Single Node Install on CentOS


Appliance Package links are available at in the downloads section.

Quick Install

  1. Install the Appliance package and run sudo morpheus-ctl reconfigure.

That is it. After the reconfigure completes, Morpheus will start and be available at https://your_machine_name in a minute or few.

Step-by-step Install Instructions

  1. Ensure the Morpheus Appliance host meets the minimum Requirements

  2. Download the target version .rpm package for installation in a directory of your choosing. The package can be removed after successful installation.

  3. Validate the package checksum matches source checksums. For example:

    sha256sum morpheus-appliance-$version.rpm
  4. Next install the rpm package

    sudo rpm -ihv morpheus-appliance-x.x.x-1.x86_64.rpm
  5. By default the appliance_url uses the machines hostname, ie https://your_machine_name. The default url can be changed by editing /etc/morpheus/morpheus.rb and changing the value of appliance_url. Additional Appliance configuration options are available below.

    Appliance Configuration Options Click to Expand/Hide

    Morpheus allows for additional advanced customizations for system managed services within the morpheus.rb file located in /etc/morpheus/morpheus.rb. Below is a list of the supported items available in the morpheus.rb file.


    Service configuration settings are not applicable for externalized services such as external mysql/percona, elasticsearch or rabbitmq clusters. Only connection settings are applicable for external services. Additionally, to configure Morpheus to utilize alternate ports for SSL, you may have to take additional configuration steps. If simply appending a port to your appliance_url value doesn’t work, consult the related article in our KnowledgeBase.


    Nginx server includes configurations (nginx['ssl_server_include'] and nginx['server_include']) are advanced configurations. Morpheus support will not troubleshoot configuration issues related to these advanced options.

     app['encryption_key_suffix'] = '$suffix'
       # Replace $suffix with the suffix string of your choice. See `` for important details and warnings.
     appliance_url ''
       # Appending alternate port to appliance_url is supported. ie ''
       # The appliance_url cannot exceed 64 characters
       # The appliance_url must not contain a trailing `/`.
     bitcan['backup_directory'] = '/var/opt/morpheus/bitcan/backups'
     bitcan['working_directory'] = '/var/opt/morpheus/bitcan/working'
     elasticsearch['auth_password'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
     elasticsearch['auth_user'] = 'morpheus-es-user'
     elasticsearch['enable'] = true
     elasticsearch['es_hosts'] = {'' => 9200}
     elasticsearch['host'] = ""
     elasticsearch['port'] = "9200"
     elasticsearch['tmp_dir'] = '/var/tmp/elasticsearch'
     elasticsearch['use_tls'] = false
    ↓ The following elasticsearch settings are only valid for Internal/Embedded elasticsearch services
     elasticsearch['log_dir'] = '/var/log/morpheus/elasticsearch'
     elasticsearch['memory_alloc_arena_max'] = 2
     elasticsearch['memory_map_max'] = 65536
     elasticsearch['memory_map_threshold'] = 131072
     elasticsearch['memory_top_pad'] = 131072
     elasticsearch['memory_trim_threshold'] = 131072
     elasticsearch['open_files'] = 204800
     elasticsearch['secure_mode'] = false
     firewall['chain_input_policy'] = 'DROP' #### When configured to 'DROP' chain input policy on the appliance will be set to 'DROP' after the next appliacne reconfiguration. If not set, reconfigure will always set the chain input policy to 'ACCEPT'
     guacd['guacamole_enabled'] = false
     logging['svlogd_num'] = 30 #### keep 30 rotated log files
     logging['svlogd_size'] = 209715200 #### 200 MB in bytes
     logging['svlogd_timeout'] = 86400 #### rotate after 24 hours in seconds
     mysql['enable'] = true
     mysql['host'] = {'' => 3306}
     mysql['use_tls'] = false
     mysql['morpheus_db_user'] = 'morpheus-db-user'
     mysql['morpheus_password'] = 'morpheus-db-password'
     mysql['morpheus_db'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
     mysql['mysql_url_overide'] = 'jdbc:mysql://,,'
    ↓ The following mysql settings are only valid for Internal/Embedded mysql services
     mysql['tmp_dir'] = '/tmp/mysql'
     mysql['log_dir'] = '/var/log/morpheus/mysql'
     mysql['max_active'] = 150 # The combined value off all app node max_active values must be lower than max_connections setting in mysql
     mysql['max_connections'] = 151
     mysql['max_allowed_packet'] = 67108864
     mysql['innodb_buffer_pool_size'] = 134217728
     mysql['join_buffer_size'] = 262144
     mysql['read_buffer_size'] = 131072
     mysql['key_buffer_size'] = 8388608
     mysql['read_rnd_buffer_size'] = 262144
     mysql['sort_buffer_size'] = 262144
     mysql['innodb_buffer_pool_instances'] = 1
     nginx['cache_max_size'] = '5000m'
     nginx['enable'] = true
     nginx['loading_pages']['failure_page_h1'] = 'Morpheus Server Error'
     nginx['loading_pages']['failure_page_h2'] = 'Please contact your system administrator for assistance.'
     nginx['loading_pages']['failure_page_title'] = 'Morpheus Server Error'
     nginx['loading_pages']['iteration_time'] = 10000 # milliseconds
     nginx['loading_pages']['loading_page_h1'] = 'Morpheus is Loading...'
     nginx['loading_pages']['loading_page_h2'] = 'please wait'
     nginx['loading_pages']['loading_page_title'] = 'Morpheus Loading'
     nginx['loading_pages']['max_loops'] = 60 # seconds
     nginx['loading_pages']['timeout_page'] = '/timeout.html'
     nginx['loading_pages']['timout_page_h1'] = 'Timeout waiting for Morpheus to load, click below to try again.'
     nginx['loading_pages']['timout_page_title'] = 'Morpheus timeout, please try again...'
     nginx['log_format_name'] = 'custom'
     nginx['log_format'] = '\'$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" \' \'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" \' \'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for" \' \'rt=$request_time uct="$upstream_connect_time" uht="$upstream_header_time" urt="$upstream_response_time"\';'
     nginx['server_include'] = "/foo/bar/conf/*.conf" #### see note above for more detail on Nginx server block includes
     nginx['ssl_company_name'] = "Morpheus, LLC"
     nginx['ssl_country_name'] = "US"
     nginx['ssl_email_address'] = "[email protected]"
     nginx['ssl_locality_name'] = "San Mateo"
     nginx['ssl_organizational_unit_name'] = "DevOps"
     nginx['ssl_protocols'] = "TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2"
     nginx['ssl_server_include'] = "/foo/bar/conf/*.conf" #### see note above for more detail on Nginx server block includes
     nginx['ssl_session_cache'] = "builtin:1000  shared:SSL:10m"
     nginx['ssl_session_timeout'] = "5m"
     nginx['ssl_state_name'] = "CA"
     nginx['worker_connections'] = 10240
     nginx['workers'] = integer calculated from number of cpus
     rabbitmq['enable'] = true
     rabbitmq['host'] = ''
     rabbitmq['port'] = '5672'
     rabbitmq['queue_user_password'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
     rabbitmq['queue_user'] = 'morpheus-rmq-user'
     rabbitmq['vhost'] = 'morpheus'
    ↓ The following rabbitmq settings are only valid for Internal/Embedded rabbitmq services
     rabbitmq['heartbeat'] = nil
     rabbitmq['log_dir'] = '/var/log/morpheus/rabbitmq'
     rabbitmq['nodename'] = 'rabbit@localhost'
     rabbitmq['port'] = '5672'
     rabbitmq['use_tls'] = false
     repo['repo_host_url'] = ''
     ui['http_client_connect_timeout'] = 10000  #### milliseconds
     ui['jobs_enabled'] = true #### This option disables the appliance jobs service on the appliance node when set to false. This should be disabled only when configuring jobs to run on specific app nodes in HA environments.
     ui['kerberos_config'] = nil
     ui['kerberos_login_config'] = nil
     ui['log_dir'] = '/var/log/morpheus/morpheus-ui'
     ui['max_memory_mb'] = nil
     ui['memory_alloc_arena_max'] = 2
     ui['memory_map_max'] = 65536
     ui['memory_map_threshold'] = 131072
     ui['memory_top_pad'] = 131072
     ui['memory_trim_threshold'] = 131072
     ui['pxe_boot_enabled'] = false #### This option disables the PXE service within the app
     ui['vm_images_cdn_url'] = ''
  6. After all configuration options have been set, run:

    sudo morpheus-ctl reconfigure


    Configuration options can be updated after the initial reconfigure by editing /etc/morpheus/morpheus.rb and running sudo morpheus-ctl reconfigure again. Appliance and other services may need to be restarted depending on configuration changes.

  7. Once the installation is complete the morpheus-ui service will automatically start up and be available shortly. To monitor the UI startup process, run morpheus-ctl tail morpheus-ui and look for the ascii logo accompanied by the install version and start time:

    timestamp:    __  ___              __
    timestamp:   /  |/  /__  _______  / /  ___ __ _____
    timestamp:  / /|_/ / _ \/ __/ _ \/ _ \/ -_) // (_-<
    timestamp: /_/  /_/\___/_/ / .__/_//_/\__/\_,_/___/
    timestamp: ****************************************
    timestamp:   Version: |morphver|
    timestamp:   Start Time: xxx xxx xxx 00:00:00 UTC 2021
    timestamp: ****************************************

There are additional install settings that can be viewed in the Additional Configuration Options section.

Once the browser is pointed to the appliance a first time setup wizard will be presented. Please follow the on screen instructions by creating the master account. From there you will be presented with the license settings page where a license can be applied for use (if a license is required you may request one or purchase one by contacting your sales representative).

More details on setting up infrastructure can be found throughout this guide.


If any issues occur it may be prudent to check the morpheus log for details at /var/log/morpheus/morpheus-ui/current.