Morpheus v8.0.1 Documentation

v8.0.1 LTS Release Notes

  • Compatible Plugin API version: 1.2.1

  • Compatible Morpheus Worker version: 5.4.8+

  • Minimum upgrade versions: Rolling: v7.0.3,v6.2.11 Non-rolling: v6.0.0


Items appended with 7.x.x are also included in that version

Release Dates

  • v8.0.1 December 13 2024

v8.0.1 Release Notes

New Features

  • When restoring an Instance from backup or restoring to a new Instance, the restore event is shown in the Instance history 7.0.9

  • Removed KVM cluster types and the ability to add new hosts to existing KVM clusters 7.0.9

  • In the Guidance section, Users now only see data for Instances they have access to via the “Instances: List” permission 7.0.9

Trust - Key Pairs
  • Dropdowns to select keypairs now show both the keypair name and fingerprint since keypairs with duplicate names are allowed 7.0.9

Virtual Images
  • Creating a VM from a QCOW image that did not have a .qcow extension no longer fails 7.0.9


  • Fixed 500 errors thrown when creating network routers via Morpheus CLI 7.0.9

  • Resizing Instances via Morpheus API now works without including volume details in the payload 7.0.9

  • Retrieving the appliance settings via Morpheus API now returns all settings which can be updated via the API 7.0.9

  • Updating a multi-Tenant User Role (locked) to have a different default Persona via Morpheus API is now working properly 7.0.9

  • Zone (Cloud) Name and Code values are now included with calls to /api/billing/zones even after the Zone (Cloud) has been deleted 7.0.9

  • Assigning static IP addresses to Catalog Instances is now working properly rather than assigning the next available IP address in the pool 7.0.9

  • When adding Clouds, a new help text is included for Cloud URL fields warning that http URLs are insecure and not recommended 7.0.9

  • Fixed files inside subfolders within the repository folder structure not reloading properly after switching branches 7.0.9

  • Certain legal symbol characters in passwords will no longer cause problems when provisioning Windows and joining an Active Directory domain 7.0.9

  • Some additional execution history is now shown in the History tab of the Instance detail 7.0.9

Google Cloud
  • GCP Clouds now sync the correct Plans when the Cloud’s region scoping is updated 7.0.9

  • Guidance will still be generated when Tenant scoping is later changed on a Cloud 7.0.9

  • When editing a Windows VM, we no longer default the RPC Host port to 22 and instead default to 5985 when Morpheus knows the OS type 7.0.9

  • The “Export to Repository” modal now properly refreshes the GIT REF field when a new repository is selected 7.0.9

  • Attempting to reduce disk size through a reconfigure, which is not allowed, no longer adds a “null” entry in the Instance history 7.0.9

  • Fixed an issue with reconfigure caused by provisioning the Instance using a network group, which is then assigned to a new network outside the group prior to the reconfigure attempt 7.0.9

  • Removing a node from an Instance now creates an entry in the Instance history tab 7.0.9

  • The “Start” action from the Instances action menu is now grayed out during the initial Instance deployment 7.0.9

  • When converting to managed, Plans with an incompatible “cores per socket” value are no longer shown 7.0.9

  • Fixed provision failures with some Kubernetes versions with Azure AKS clusters 7.0.9

  • Scale options are removed from the provisioning wizard for Kubernetes Instances as they do not apply to those Instance types 7.0.9

Morpheus IP Pools
  • Fixed IP Pool ranges being duplicated when editing a pool with a range that is already in use 7.0.9

Nutanix Prism Central
  • Fixed volumes synced from Prism Central displaying in the wrong order 7.0.9

Oracle Cloud
  • Fixed Edit Cloud modal not launching if the integration is unreachable 7.0.9

Power Scheduling
  • Power Schedules will no longer set Instances back from a status of pending reconfigure approval to normal running 7.0.9

  • When Instances are in a stopping state (in the process of being stopped), power schedules will not attempt to start them 7.0.9

  • Fixed the Instance provisioning wizard breaking if the port input field is selected in but not filled out 7.0.9

Resource Pools
  • Improved auditing for deleted Resource Pools by making it clearer in logs which Resource Pool was deleted 7.0.9

  • When editing credentials in the Trust section, secret values are now masked in the network response as they are in the UI 7.0.9

  • Fixed potential for crash related to the in-built HCL parser 7.0.9

  • Terraform Input labels can now wrap when long enough instead of over-setting the available space in the UI 7.0.9

  • Datastore maintentance mode is now synced into Morpheus. Unavailable datastores will appear as offline and will not be selectable as provisioning targets 7.0.9

  • Made more network interface data available on Instance and server variables during Provision and Post Provision Workflow phases to improve scripting capability 7.0.9

  • When a Cloud is scoped to one Resource Pool and that Resource Pool is deleted in VMware, Morpheus will no longer sync VMs from another available Resource Pool 7.0.9

  • When new top level folders are discovered in a vCenter Cloud, they are now always assigned to the Master Tenant 7.0.9

  • The platform check ensuring Workflows only run against compatible platforms now works properly when multiple Instances are selected 7.0.9

Appliance & Agent Updates

  • Linux agent updated to v2.9.2 7.0.9


Appliance Java updated to v17.0.13+11


Appliance Nginx updated to v1.26.2

Node & VM Node Packages
  • Updated to v3.2.31 with v2.9.2 linux agent 7.0.9


Appliance RabbitMQ updated to v3.13.7, erlang v26.2.5.6


Appliance Tomcat updated to v9.0.97
