Azure Active Directory SSO (SAML)

Azure Active Directory Single Sign-on can be added as a Identity Source in Morpheus using the SAML Identity Source Type. The Azure AD SSO configuration is slightly different than other SAML providers, and this guide will assist in adding a Azure AD SSO Identity Source.

Create a Azure AD SAML Integration

Azure requires inputting the Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) in the Azure SSO configuration before it provides the Endpoints and Certificate necessary to add the Integration into Morpheus. In order to get the Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) to input into Azure SSO config, we need to create a base SAML Integration in Morpheus first.

To add a base SAML integration:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Tenants

  2. Select a tenant.

  3. Select IDENTITY SOURCES in the Tenant detail page


  5. Select SAML SSO from the TYPE field

  6. Add a Name, optional Description and any value in the LOGIN REDIRECT URL field.

    Since we do not have the LOGIN REDIRECT URL from Azure yet, type any text such as test into the LOGIN REDIRECT URL field so the Identity Source Integration can be saved and the Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) generated. We will edit the Integration with the proper LOGIN REDIRECT URL after configuring SSO in Azure.

  7. Select SAVE CHANGES.

Upon save, the Entity ID (Identifier (Entity ID)) and SP ACS URL (Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)) will be provide in the Identity Source list view. Copy these for use in Azure SSO config.

Configure Azure SSO

This guide assumes an Azure AD Application has already been created in Azure with a subscription level high enough to configure SSO in the application. Please refer to Azure documentation if this has not already been configured.

  1. Next, in the Azure Active Directory Application details page, select Single sign-on, then enter the following:

    • Single Sign-on Mode dropdown

      Select SAML-based Sign-on

    • Identifier (Entity ID)

      Enter the Entity ID URL from the Morpheus Identity Source Integration above.

    • Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)

      Enter the SP ACS URL from the Morpheus Identity Source Integration above.

  2. Save and click the Test SAML Settings button. Azure will confirm connection with Morpheus

  3. In Azure’s User Attributes & Claims settings (step 2), select Add a group claim with value user.groups [SecurityGroup]

    User Attributes & Claims config

    Required Claim

    Claim name


    Unique User Identifier (Name ID)

    user.userprincipalname [nameid-format:emailAddress]

    Additional Claims

    Claim name


    user.groups [SecurityGroup]





  4. Copy or keep available for reference the the Claim Names/Namespace URLs for entering Role Attribute Values in the Morpheus Identity Source Integration.

  5. In Azure SSO config, if one has not been generated, select Create new certificate to generate a new SAML Signing Certificate.

  6. Enter a valid email address to receive certificate expiration notifications (these are not Morpheus-generated email).

  7. In Azure SSO config, select `Configure {AD App Name}

  8. In the Configure sign-on pane, copy the following:

    • SAML Single Sign-On Service URL

      This will be used for the LOGIN REDIRECT URL in the Morpheus Identity Source Integration settings

    • Sign-Out URL

      This will be used for the LOGOUT REDIRECT URL in the Morpheus Identity Source Integration settings

    • Click on the SAML XML Metadata link, open the xml file, and copy the key between the <X509Certificate> and </X509Certificate>.

      This will be used for the Public Key value in the SAML RESPONSE section of the Morpheus Identity Source Integration settings

      Example Key (this key is an example and is not valid):

  9. Save the SSO config in Azure AD app and return to Morpheus

Edit the existing Azure AD SAML Integration

Now that we have the required information, we can finalize the Azure AD SAML Integration in Morpheus

  1. Edit the existing Azure AD SAML Integration created in the first step and populate the following:


    Add the SAML Single Sign-On Service URL copied from Azure SSO config.


    Add the Sign-Out URL copied from Azure SSO config.


    Set to “Validate Assertion Signature”, then in the “Public Key” field enter the Public Key value we discussed in the last section

    GIVEN NAME ATTRIBUTE NAME (May have to click “show” to see hidden SAML Assertion Attribute Names fields)

    Enter the givenname Namespace url from Azure SSO config:


    Enter the emailaddress Namespace url from Azure SSO config:

    EMAIL ATTRIBUTE NAME (May need to scroll down within the SAML Assertion Attribute Names section see this field)

    Enter the surname Namespace url from Azure SSO config:

Configure Role Mappings

Role mappings will map Azure AD Groups to Morpheus Roles. Azure AD users will be assigned Roles in Morpheus upon signing in based on their Group Membership in Azure AD.


Use an Azure Groups Object ID, not Group name, when entering Role Mappings. Example: 7626a4a2-b388-4d9b-a228-72ce9a33bd4b


Role a Azure AD user will be assigned by default upon signing in to Morpheus using this Identity Source.


Object ID of Azure AD Group a user must be a member of to be authorized to sign in to Morpheus. Users not belonging to this Group will not be authorized to login to Morpheus. This field is optional, and if left blank, any user from the Azure AD App will be able to sign in to Morpheus and will be assigned the Default Role if no Role Mappings match AD Group membership.


Enter for Azure AD SSO

Additional Role Mappings

The existing Roles in Morpheus will be listed. To map a Morpheus Role to an Azure AD Group, enter the Object ID of the desired Azure AD Group in the Role Attribute Value field for the corresponding Morpheus Role.


Use an Azure Groups Object ID, not Group name, when entering Role Mappings. Example: 7626a4a2-b388-4d9b-a228-72ce9a33bd4b


When selected, Tenant users with appropriate rights to view and edit Roles will have the ability to set role mapping for the Identity Source integration. This allows the Tenant user to edit only the role mappings without viewing or potentially editing the Identity Source configuration.


When selected, administrators can manually edit Roles for users created through this identity source integration from the user detail page (Administration > Users > Selected user).


For more on Identity Source role mapping permissions, see the associated guide in our KnowledgeBase.

Once populated, select SAVE CHANGES and the SAML identity source integration will be added. The Identity Source can be edited anytime to deactivate or change Role Mappings or other values.


If Role mappings are edited after Azure AD SSO users have signed into Morpheus, currently logged in users will need to log out of Morpheus for the new Role mappings to take effect, when applicable.

Azure Group Lookups

When a user in azure ad has more that 150 group attributes, Azure does not include the group claims in the SAML response, and Morpheus is required to query Microsoft Graph to obtain the users group attribute values. When there are users that are members of more that 150 groups, populate the Azure Group Lookups section in order for those users to be able to use the Azure AD SAML SSO integration, otherwise no groups will be obtained and proper role mappings cannot occur.


Add Azure AD Tenant ID if user group membership will exceed 150. See Copy Directory (tenant) and Application (client) IDs for information on obtaining an Azure AD Tenant ID


Add Azure AD Application (Client) ID if user group membership will exceed 150. See Copy Directory (tenant) and Application (client) IDs for information on obtaining an Azure AD Application (Client) ID


Add Azure Application (Client) Secret if user group membership will exceed 150. See Generate a Client Secret for information on creating an Azure Application (Client) Secret


default: This is not normally changed.

Signing In to Morpheus

When there is an active SAML/Azure AD SSO Identity Source Integration, a new button will appear on the Morpheus login page with the name of the Identity Source Integration as the button title. Example: MORPHEUS SSO. Another button titled “USERNAME AND PASSWORD” is also added for Morpheus account authentication outside of an Identity Source.

  • SAML/Azure AD SSO users can log into Morpheus by clicking the SAML button

    This will redirect the User to Azure AD app sign in url. If they are currently signed into Azure and authorized, the user will be instantly signed into Morpheus.

  • Local Morpheus users can select “USERNAME AND PASSWORD” to sign in with their local credentials as before.


If no local users other than the System Admin have been created, “USERNAME AND PASSWORD” option will not be displayed, only the SAML option.