
Templates can be created directly in Morpheus and/or sourced from version control, depending on the type. They can be used to help users consume IaC technologies, generate configuration files, utilize scripts or store security scan packages. Once stored, they can be used with provisioned Instances, configured as part of Tasks or Workflows, or run regularly as part of security scan Jobs. Each section below discusses template types in greater detail.

Spec Templates

Spec Templates allow Morpheus users to leverage several major Infrastructure-as-Code solutions. These are typically JSON or YAML-based configuration files which make creating and managing multiple resource types easier. Morpheus allows users to create and/or manage a collection of these templates for different solutions and from different sources.

Morpheus currently supports Spec Templates of the following types:

  • Kubernetes Spec

  • Helm Chart

  • Terraform

  • ARM Template

  • CloudFormation Template

  • OneView Server Profile Template

  • UCS Service Profile Template

Morpheus also allows users to leverage templates pulled from URL sources, online repositories (such as GitHub), or you can write a template locally inside the “NEW SPEC TEMPLATE” modal.


To see Morpheus Spec Templates in action, take a look at our guide on creating custom Instance Types using Terraform or see our KnowledgeBase for another example where a CloudFormation Spec Template is used to create a provisionable custom Instance Type.

Creating a Spec Template

  1. Navigate to Library > Templates > Spec Templates

  2. Click + ADD

  3. Complete the following fields, then click SAVE CHANGES:

  • NAME

  • TYPE: See the previous section for a complete list of Spec Template types

  • SOURCE: Local, Repository, or URL

  • CONTENT: If this is a local Spec Template, supply the template in this field. If the template is supplied through a URL or online repository, the CONTENT field will change to allow the user to point Morpheus to that resource

  • VERSION: (Only displayed on Terraform Spec Templates) Enter a Terraform version number to force a specific version when provisioning your Terraform Instance Type or App, assuming your Terraform Runtime setting (Administration > Settings > Provisioning Tab) is “auto”. If Terraform Runtime is set to “manual”, Morpheus will use the version of Terraform installed on the appliance box

File Templates

File Templates are for generating config files, such as my.cnf, elasticsearch.yml, morpheus.rb, or any text file. With full config map variable support, Template Files are dynamically generated during a Workflow phase or ad hoc via Instance actions.

File Templates can also be exposed on Instances in the Settings Tab. Ensure the Instance Type supports settings, and Category is defined in Advance Options on the Library Template config.


Morpheus variables are supported in Library Templates using <%= variable.var %> format


HA Proxy Config (haproxy.cfg)

  • FILE NAME: haproxy.cfg

  • FILE PATH: /config/haproxy.cfg

  • PHASE: Pre Provision


  • SETTING NAME: haproxyConfig



 maxconn 256
 log /dev/log local0 warning
 log-tag <%=logTag%>

 mode http
 timeout connect 5000ms
 timeout client 50000ms
 timeout server 50000ms
 log global

frontend http-in
 bind *:<%=container.externalPort%>
 default_backend servers

backend servers
 # server server1 maxconn 32

mysql config (mysqld.cnf)

  • FILE NAME: mysqld.cnf

  • FILE PATH: /config/mysqld.cnf

  • PHASE: Pre Provision


pid-file= /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
socket= /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
datadir= /var/lib/mysql
# Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks
explicit_defaults_for_timestamp = 1

Script Templates

Scripts are bash and Powershell scripts that can be attached to Node Types to always execute at the selected phase when that Node Type is provisioned, added to Workflows as Library Script Tasks, and/or executed ad-hoc on Instances.

Creating Scripts

  1. Navigate to Library > Templates > Script Templates

  2. Select + ADD

  3. Enter the Following:


    Name of the Script in Morpheus

    • Bash

    • Powershell


    Select which phase the Script will execute when attached to a Node Type. When a script is attached to a Node Type, it will execute according to the selcted phase:

    Start Service

    Any time the Instance action Start Service is executed

    Stop Service

    Any time the Instance action Stop Service is executed

    • Containers: Script will execute against the container host before the container is provisioned

    • Virtual Machines: Script will execute before any provision phase Scripts or Tasks


    Script will execute once per new Instance node during the provision Phase. Provisioning will not be considered complete until all scripts and tasks in the provisioning phase are completed


    Any Script or Task set to the provision phase will be included in the total provision time and impact success/warn/failure provisioning status messages. As an example, your VM could be up and running but if your Script is in the provision phase and fails, provisioning will be marked as a failure.


    Script will execute once per new Instance node after the provision phase is completed. Scripts and Tasks in the Post-Provision phase will show execution status and history, but are not considered part of the provision and do not impact provisioning status.


    Script will execute on target Instance any time a deployment is run against the Instance. The Script will run prior to the deployment file(s) being written


    Script will execute on target Instance any time a deployment is run against the Instance. The script will run after the deployment file(s) are written


    Script will execute on target Instance any time a reconfigure is executed against the Instance.


    Script will execute on target Instance upon Instance deletion. Script will execute against target Instance prior to the deletion/removal of resources.


    Enter Bash or Powershell script.


    Morpheus variables are supported in Library Scripts using <%= variable.var %> format


    By default Scripts are execute as morpheus-node. To execute as another User, populate RUN AS USER and ensure proper user permissions & group access


    Flag SUDO if sudo is required to execute the Script

To attach Scripts and templates that have been added to the Library to a Node Type, start typing the name and then select the script(s) and/or template(s).

  • Multiple scripts and templates can be added to a Node Type

  • Scripts and Templates can be added/shared among multiple Node Types

  • The execution phase can be set for Scripts in the Scripts section

  • Search will populate Scripts or Templates containing the characters entered anywhere in their name, not just the first letter(s) of the name

Security Packages

The Security Packages Section is for uploading SCAP packages which can then be consumed in Security Scan Jobs (Provisioning > Jobs).

Add a new Security Package

  1. Navigate to Library > Templates > Security Packages

  2. Click +ADD > SCAP Package

  3. Provide a name in addition to a URL to source the package



Currently URL is the only source option for security packages
