Morpheus Discovery¶
Morpheus has the ability to ingest existing environments. Existing running workloads will be inventoried into Morpheus and displayed in the UI. In 5-7 days Morpheus will start making recommendations based off of usage and pricing.
Workloads that are inventoried do not have to be converted to managed.
Once inventoried, Morpheus can provide valuable data for that instance:
Morpheus will know about networks
Start aggregating cost on public clouds
Start tracking usage
Some Clouds offer statistical details ( Amazon / VMware)
Power Status
Right away inventorying existing environments will provide you with immediate insight to that environment. Once an existing workload has been discovered it can be converted to managed. Once converted to managed, Morpheus can deliver more capabilities and features.
Workloads do not need the agent installed to be managed
Once a workload is managed:
Enforce expiration/shutdown policies. This helps reign in environments (sprawl) and reduce cost.
Can tell what instance type it is
Can install agent (agent is optional)
Installing agent provides credentials and allows you to run workflows against it (day 2 operations)