

Within Morpheus is a wide array of role based access control capabilities. These roles can be managed within the Admin > Roles section of the Morpheus UI as well as through the API or CLI. They are designed to be robust enough to fit within a wide array of enterprise and managed service provider scenarios so they can be a bit hard to grasp at first, but should make sense once a few simple concepts are explained. There are two types of roles within Morpheus called Tenant and User based roles. Both sets of roles allow restrictions to be imposed on a user at the feature access level. Entire sections within the appliance UI can be hidden based on the specified access levels for features within Morpheus. Features have different access scopes that can be selected from and can range depending on the specific feature. The most common scope set involves none, read, and full. Instance Type access is also common among both role types which allow the administrator to restrict which service catalog items they are allowed to provision within Morpheus .

There are several handy tricks for creating new roles within Morpheus and users can be assigned more than one role. When a user is assigned more than one role, permissions are granted by the role with the highest level of scope access. This allows roles to be built with small subsets of features and combined to grant different individuals relevant permission control. With resource permissions (that is, all types of permissions other than Feature permissions), a default access can be given as opposed to a specific (Full or None) permission for any resource. A specific permission will always supersede a default permission regardless of whether it’s more permissive or more restrictive. In other cases (default vs default OR specific vs specific) the more permissive access will be given.

It’s also important to note that built-in Roles, such as the System Admin “Superuser” Role carry no special prominence. For resource permissions, the System Admin user has defaults set to Full in each section. Thus, pairing the System Admin Role with another Role that may include specific line item permissions for various resource categories may cause your System Admin users to take on a reduced permission set.


Feature access control not only applies to the Morpheus UI but also applies to the public developer API. It is sometimes necessary to logout and back in for changes to a users feature access level to be respected.

Role Types

Tenant Roles

A Tenant based role (formerly called an Account based role) is used to ensure access control enforcement across an entire tenant with many sub-users. This allows the subtenant to manage their own set of internal user based roles without worrying master tenant involvement in setting them up. The master tenant is the only tenant able to create and manage these types of roles. When editing a Tenant, a singular tenant role can be assigned to the account. Users within the tenant can be assigned roles but those user based roles will never be able to supersede the level of access granted by the tenant role. This allows a super administrator the ability to restrict access at the department or organization level without having to worry about per user access control within said tenant.

Tenant roles also have an additional section not in User based roles related to Cloud Access. Cloud Access allows the master tenant the ability to assign cloud integration resources to specific subtenants or groups of subtenants. An example would be granting access to a specific VMware cluster only to a subset of tenants using the tenant based role control.

User Roles

User roles can be created by any tenant given permission at the tenant role level. These allow tenants to manage their own sets of users and their levels of access. They also allow tenants to control which users have access to specific “Groups” for provisioning into within Morpheus. Groups are not cross tenant and therefore need to be controlled within the individual tenant in Morpheus.

Master tenant users are able to create a special type of user role called a multi-tenant user role. A multi-tenant user role is copied / duplicated down to all subtenants within Morpheus. These can be viewed as canned role templates available to new tenants when their account is first created. Any changes made to the main role are propagated down to the subtenants version of the shared role so long as the subtenant users have not previously adjusted/changed that role. The moment a subtenant makes adjustments to the shared role within their account, it is unlinked from the parent role and treated entirely independently. In order to relink the Role in the Subtenant, a Master Tenant user would have to edit the Role, uncheck MULTITENANT USER ROLE, save the Role, check MULTITENANT USER ROLE once again, then save the Role once again.

Another note about user roles is that when a user role is copied down to a subtenant, the permission scopes cannot supersede the tenant’s assigned tenant role. If they do they are automatically downgraded when propagated to the specific tenant. Any changes made to the tenant role will automatically ensure roles within the tenant are downgraded appropriately.


Master Tenant administrators may edit permissions for Roles in other Tenants by viewing the Tenant detail page (Administration > Tenants > Selected Tenant) and accessing the Roles tab. From there, select the Role to edit and make changes on the resulting Role detail page.

Multi-Tenant User Role Lock

As discussed above, Multi-Tenant User Roles are made available within all Subtenants and can be thought of as ‘canned’ user role sets provided to the Subtenant. Master Tenant administrators can prevent changes to these ‘canned’ user roles by marking the box labeled ‘MULTITENANT LOCKED’ when creating or editing the role. In addition to preventing Subtenant administrators from modifying permissions of the role copied down to their Subtenant, this option also ensures Master Tenant administrators can propagate new changes to that role. Modification of the role by the subtenant (if allowed) breaks the link back to the Master Tenant and the copy of the role within the Subtenant will become its own unlinked role.


Multi-tenant role lock applies only to permission sets on the Features, Report Types, Personas and VDI Pools tabs. Permissions in other tabs (such as Groups, Instance Types, Blueprints or Catalog Item Types) tabs are not locked. Similarly, changes made to the role on these tabs in the master tenant are not synced down.

Editing User Roles in other Tenants

Administrators in the Primary Tenant have the unique ability to edit feature permissions for User Roles that exist within other Tenants (Subtenants). In order to view the Roles within the Tenant, navigate to the Tenant detail page (Administration > Tenants) and select the Roles tab. Click the pencil (✎) icon to the right of a Role in the list to edit basic information, such as the name and description of the Role. Click on the name of the Role to view its complete permission set and edit the permissions if desired. This will update the feature access rights of users in the selected Tenant which have the Role.

Roles and Identity Sources

It is very common for large Enterprises to have an existing identity source that they would like to plug in to Morpheus for authentication. This includes services like LDAP, Active Directory, OKTA, Jump Cloud, One Login, and SAML. When using these services it becomes important to configure a role mapping between the Morpheus role assignments to the equivalent identity source groups/roles the user belongs to. This is configurable within the identity source management UI. Sections are provided allowing things like LDAP groups to be directly mapped to specific roles within Morpheus. If a user matches more than one LDAP/role group then both sets of roles are applied to the user automatically. Configuring Identity Sources is done in Tenant management or user management in Administration > Tenants or Administration > Users, and has to be configured on a per-tenant basis. Additionally, administrators may opt to lock users to their mapped role in Morpheus or keep the roles unlocked to manually administer roles in one-off scenarios.

Role Permissions


Permission options for sub-tenant user roles will only list options permitted by the Tenant role applied to the sub-tenant. Sub-Tenant user roles permissions cannot exceed permissions set by the overriding Tenant Role.

User Role Permission Sections


Controls User access level for UI sections and features in Morpheus. The complete feature permissions grid is included below.


Controls User access level for Groups. Groups are not a Multi-Tenant construct, only Groups created in the current Tenant will be visible.

Instance Types

Controls User access level for Instance Types. Only Instance Types created in the current Tenant or those created in the Master Tenant and shared with the current Tenant will be available.


Controls User access level for Blueprints during App provisioning. Only Blueprints created in the current Tenant or those created in the Master Tenant and shared with the current Tenant will be available.

Report Types

Controls User access for each report type in the Reports section (Operations > Reports). The user must also have Operations: Reports access granted under the Feature permissions tab.


Controls User access to Morpheus Personas, at the time of this writing Users may be given access to the Standard (full Morpheus experience), Virtual Desktop (VDI), or Service Catalog Personas

Catalog Item Types

Controls User access to Catalog Item types within the Service Catalog Persona. Only Catalog Items created in the current Tenant or those created in the Master Tenant and shared with the current Tenant will be available.

VDI Pools

Controls User access to VDI Pools which are currently configured (Tools > VDI Pools) via the Virtual Desktops Persona view


Controls User access to configured Workflows, including the ability to view, edit, execute, or apply to Library item configurations


Controls User access to configured Tasks, including the ability to view, edit, execute, or apply to Workflows

Tenant Role Permission Sections


Controls Tenant access level for sections and features in Morpheus. The complete feature permissions grid is included below.


Controls Tenant access level for Clouds. This list includes Clouds integrated from the Master Tenant and shared publicly. Tenants given this Tenant Role will have either Full, Read, or None access levels to a given Cloud. See the section below for more information on Cloud Access levels.

Instance Types

Controls Tenant access level for Instance Types. Only Instance Types created in the current Tenant or those created in the Master Tenant and shared with the current Tenant will be available.


Controls Tenant access level for Blueprints during App provisioning. Only Blueprints created in the current Tenant or those created in the Master Tenant and shared with the current Tenant will be available.

Report Types

Controls Tenant access for each report type in the Reports section (Operations > Reports). The Tenant must also have Operations: Reports access granted under the Feature permissions tab.


Controls Tenant access to Morpheus Personas, at the time of this writing Users may be given access to the Standard (full Morpheus experience) or Service Catalog Personas

Catalog Item Types

Controls Tenant access to Catalog Item types within the Service Catalog Persona. Only Catalog Items created in the current Tenant or those created in the Master Tenant and shared with the current Tenant will be available.

VDI Pools

Controls Tenant access to VDI Pools which are currently configured (Tools > VDI Pools) via the Virtual Desktops Persona view

Cloud Access Levels

When creating or editing a Tenant Role, Master Tenant administrators can choose which publicly-visible Clouds to share with Tenants having the current Role. Access can be completely restricted or administrators can choose between Read and Full access.

Read Access

Master Tenant administrators can opt to give other Tenants read-level access to any integrated Clouds through the Tenant Role. A read-only Cloud allows the Master Tenant to assign resources for viewing by Subtenant users but not allow them to perform any actions or provision new Instances.

With read-level access, Subtenant users will have access to the Cloud detail page (Infrastructure > Clouds). From the Summary subtab on the Cloud detail page, high-level information on Cloud resources are shown regardless of specific resources that have been shared with the Subtenant. Other metrics, such as costing, resource percentages (CPU, Memory, and Storage), VM counts and host counts will only be populated when servers in the Cloud have been assigned to the Tenant.

Full Access

With full access, Subtenant users also have access to the Cloud detail page (Infrastructure > Clouds > Specific Cloud) and see the same level of detail as Subtenants with read-only rights. However, with full access, Subtenant users can also perform many actions including the addition of Clusters, Hosts, and VMs, changing networks, and more. This cloud will also be selectable as a provisioning target for Subtenant users when deploying Instances or Apps.

Feature Access Permissions

Feature Access settings control permissions for sections and objects in Morpheus. Permission options include:


Hidden or inaccessible for user


User can view but cannot edit or create


User has full access


User can access Objects they have created or own


User can access Objects assigned to or shared with Groups the User has access to

Remote Console: Provisioned

Remote Console tab will only appear after instance is successfully provisioned.

Remote Console: Auto Login

RDP and SSH only, controls if user is auto-logged in to Remote Console or presented with login prompt.

Role Mappings

Gives User Access to Role Mappings config in /admin/roles for configuring Identity Source Role Mappings without providing Access to other Identity Source configuration settings.

  • Admin Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    Admin: Ansible

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows the ability to edit existing Ansible integrations

    Ansible integrations are shown on the Integrations list page (Administration > Integrations). Users with access may view and edit them here.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for administering Morpheus, including creating integrations with third-party technologies, specifically Ansible

    Admin: Appliance Settings

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to the Appliance and License tabs in Administration > Settings

    The Appliance tab in Administration > Settings is where Morpheus administrators would configure the appliance URL, Tenant and User management, email, proxy, and currency settings. Additionally, defining which Clouds are available for integration within Morpheus is done on this page. On the License tab information about the current Morpheus license may be viewed and a new license may be applied when needed.

    This permission is recommended to only be assigned to Roles utilized within the Master Tenant. Those responsible for configuring currency, email, and proxy settings for Cloud API access will need this permission.

    This permission is recommended to be set to None on the Tenant Role to restrict this access for all Subtenant Users.

    Admin: Backup Settings

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to Administration > Settings > Backups. Master Tenant administrators have additional settings for appliance backups and defaults on this page.

    The Backup Settings page is where users define the default Morpheus backup bucket, backup schedule, and retention count. Additionally, if given to a Master Tenant user they will have the ability to enable scheduled backups, create backups, and backup appliance.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for enabling backups and setting default backup buckets within Morpheus.

    Admin: Clients

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to the Clients tab in global settings (Administration > Settings)

    The Clients settings section is where API clients are created and edited. Default clients may have their validity and refresh periods edited but cannot be deleted. User-created API clients may be edited or deleted

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for administering API access.

    Admin: Distributed Workers

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to Administration > Integrations > Distributed Workers Tab

    Admin: Environment Settings

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to the Environments tab in Administration > Settings > Provisioning. When given to a Master Tenant user they may define the visibility of the environment to either private or public. When given to a Subtenant user the environments are only visible to the subtenant (private).

    The Environments tab is where named environments such as development or production are created and given a description as well as a code for use within the API. A display order and visibility is also set.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for defining environments that will be available to select at provision time whether they are the Master Tenant or Subtenant users.

    Admin: Export/Import

    None, Full

    Allows access to the Export/Import functionality which is part of the Code Repositories section of Morpheus UI (Provisioning > Code)

    Export/Import tools allow users to configure integrated Git repositories as either export or import targets (or both) and execute exports or imports

    This permission is recommended for administrators as it allows wholesale export of Morpheus constructs (Tasks, Library Items, and more) as code into Git repositories as well as import of new items from repositories into the appliance

    Admin: Guidance Settings

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to the Guidance tab in Administration > Settings

    The Guidance tab controls global thresholds for Morpheus guidance recommendations

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for cost and resource management

    Admin: Health

    None, Read

    Determines access to the Administration > Health page, including the Morpheus Health and Morpheus Logs tabs.

    The Health pages provide an overview of Morpheus health, notifications from integrations, and the current Morpheus-ui log.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for administering and troubleshooting Morpheus.

    This permission is recommended to be set to None on the Tenant Role to restrict access for Subtenant users.

    Admin: Identity Source

    None, Role Mappings, Full

    Allows or disallows access to create, edit, or delete integrated Identity Sources associated with subtenants. The “Role Mappings” option allows the user to edit role mappings without seeing higher level details about the integration itself (such as server IP addresses and admin usernames).

    The Identity Sources page associated with the selected Tenant allows for creating, editing, and removing of identity sources in addition to configuring role mapping between Morpheus and the identity provider.

    Full permission is recommended for those responsible for integrating Morpheus with Identity Providers. Role Mapping permission is recommended for those responsible for Role Based Access Control (RBAC).

    This permission is recommended to be set to None for any subtenant user roles via use of a Tenant Role unless they manage their own RBAC.

    Admin: Integrations

    None, Read, Full

    This allows or disallows full or read access to Administration > Integrations.

    The Administration Integrations tab is where many new or existing integration types can be configured. These include Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Ansible Tower, vRealize Orchestrator, Microsoft DNS, PowerDNS, Route 53, Git, GitHub, Docker, Jenkins, ServiceNow, Cherwell, Remedy, and ACI.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for the integration between Morpheus and integrated technologies.

    Admin: License Settings

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to the Licenses tab in Administration > Settings > Provisioning. When given to a Master Tenant user they may define specific subtenants in which the licenses may be used.

    The Licenses tab is where software licenses may be added for tracking in Morpheus. Morpheus may then be configured to apply these licenses on provision. Currently, only Windows license types are available.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for managing Windows licenses.

    Admin: Log Settings

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to the Administration > Settings > Logs.

    The Logs page is where logs are enabled. Syslog forwarding rules are also configured here.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for configuring Morpheus log settings and integrations.

    This permission is recommended to be set to None in the Tenant Role to restrict this access to Subtenant Users.

    Admin: Message of the day

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to create and edit Message of the Day policies in Administration > Policies

    The Policies page is where policies are defined. When creating a policy, users can select “Message of the Day” from the TYPE dropdown with this permission set to Full.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for publishing the Message of the Day.

    This permission is recommended to be set to None in the Tenant Role to restrict this access from Subtenant Users.

    Admin: Monitoring Settings

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to Administration > Settings > Monitoring

    The monitoring settings page is where Morpheus monitoring and monitoring integrations are configured. Available integrations are AppDynamics, ServiceNow, and New Relic. Monitoring checks can be turned on or off, and availability time frame, check interval period, and reported availability precision are also configured on this page.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for configuring Morpheus monitoring settings and integrations.

    This permission is recommended to be set to None in the Tenant Role to restrict this access from Subtenant Users.

    Admin: Packages

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to the Packages tab on the Integrations page (Administration > Integrations)

    The Plugins tab is where custom library packages (mpg) are added.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for managing the Library.

    This permission is recommended to be set to None in the Tenant Role to restrict this access from Subtenant Users.

    Admin: Plugins

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to the Plugins tab on the Integrations page (Administration > Integrations)

    The Plugins tab is where custom plugins are added to extend Morpheus functionality.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for extending Morpheus functionality through custom plugins.

    This permission is recommended to be set to None in the Tenant Role to restrict this access from Subtenant Users.

    Admin: Policies

    None, Read, Full

    This setting determines the level of access to Administration > Policies. When given to a Master Tenant user the ability to define Global policies and associate them with one or many Subtenants is granted. When given to a Subtenant user, a global policy applies only to their subtenant.

    The Policies page is where policies are defined. On create, the type of policy is selected, a name, description, and scope are defined.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for configuring and managing policies either at the Master Tenant or Subtenant.

    Admin: Profiles


    Allows or disallows access to Profiles (Clouds)

    Profiles are where Terraform, Key/Value profiles are created and managed.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for managing secrets and other metadata that needs to be accessed by provisioning and automation processes.

    Admin: Provisioning Settings

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to the Settings tab of the Administration > Settings > Provisioning page.

    The Settings tab is where global provisioning settings are configured. For Master Tenant users, these include allowing Cloud selection, allowing host selection, requiring environment selection, showing pricing, hiding datastore stats on selection, cross-Tenant naming policies, and reusing naming sequence numbers. For both Master Tenant and Subtenant users, defining the deploy archive store, cloud-init setting, the PXE boot root password, and default App Blueprint types are available.

    This permission is recommended to only be assigned to roles utilized within the Master Tenant.

    Admin: Roles

    None, Read, Full

    This setting determines access to the Administration > Roles page. When given to a Subtenant user, the ability to create user roles is granted. When given to a Master Tenant user, the ability to create and manage Tenant and Multi-Tenant Users roles is also granted.

    The Roles page is where roles are defined. On create, a name and description are defined. Once created, the Role is accessed and feature access, Group access, Instance Type access and Blueprint access may be configured.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for configuring Role Based Access Control (RBAC) either globally or within their Subtenant.

    Admin: Service Plans

    None, Read, Full

    This setting determines access to Administration > Plans & Pricing. When given to a Subtenant user, access to the Plans tab is granted. When given to a user in the Master Tenant, the Price Sets and Prices tabs are also available.

    The Plans tab is where service plans are defined. On create, a name and code (for API) are defined, display order, provisioning type, storage, memory, core count and the price may be configured. Additionally, the actions menu will allow group access to be scoped.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for defining and managing pricing and applying plans.

    Admin: Tenant

    None, Read, Full

    This setting determines access to the Administration > Tenants page. With this permission, local users may be created or deleted within each Tenant. Critical Note: Granting this permission to Subtenant users will expose all Tenants and Tenant users to the Subtenant.

    The Tenant page is where all Tenants may be viewed, edited, created, or even deleted.

    This permission is recommended to only be assigned to Roles utilized within the Master Tenant who are responsible for the creation, configuration, and/or deletion of Subtenants.

    It is recommended this setting be set to None on the Tenant Role to restrict access for Subtenant users.

    Admin: Tenant - Impersonate Users

    None, Full

    This setting allows or disallows access to impersonate users. This selection is located on the Administration > Users page in the Actions menu. When set to Full, Impersonate selection is available.

    This permission allows for users in the Master Tenant to impersonate users of the Master Tenant and Subtenants.

    This permission is recommended to be assigned only to Roles utilized within the Master Tenant who are responsible for configuring RBAC or for supporting users.

    It is recommended this setting be set to None on the Tenant Role to restrict access for Subtenant users.

    Admin: Users

    None, Read, Full

    This setting determines access to the Administration > Users page (both Users and User Groups tabs). User Roles can also be set or edited when creating or editing a User on this page. Note: A Master Tenant user with the Admin: Tenants (Full) permission may also access and perform user management from the associated Tenant page.

    The User tab is where all users may be viewed, edited, created, or even deleted. The User Groups tab is where User Groups may be viewed, edited, created, or even deleted. Within Morpheus, a User Group may be selected during provisioning in order to add each group member’s credentials to an Instance. When creating a User Group a name, description, server group (in Linux, name of the group to assign members), sudo access toggle, and a list of users are defined.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for managing users and RBAC.

    Admin: Whitelabel Settings

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to the Whitelabel tab in Administration > Settings.

    The Whitelabel tab is where custom Tenant logos, colors, and security banners may be configured.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for branding tenants, whether they are Master Tenant users or individual Subtenant users.

  • API Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    API: Billing

    None, Read, Full

    Allows or disallows access to invoices and projects via Morpheus API/CLI.

    The invoices API/CLI is used to generate bills and gather highly-granular costing data for supported Clouds. Read access allows list and get functions and Full allows access to post (refresh).

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for generating invoices or projects.

    It is recommended this setting be set to None on the Tenant Role to restrict access for Subtenant users.

    API: Execution Request

    None, Full

    Allows or disallows access to an API endpoint.

    This endpoint allows users to execute scripts on Instances, containers, or hosts and then polls for a response.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for arbitrary API script execution.

    It is recommended this setting be set to None on the Tenant Role to restrict access for Subtenant users.

  • Backups Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations


    None, View, Read, User, Full

    Determines access to the Backups secton of Morpheus UI, including the Summary, Jobs, Backups, and History subpages. The “User” permission allows access only to backup objects the user owns.

    The Summary subpage allows the user to see the number of configured backups, the success rate, recent failures, and the size of the backups, as well as, the upcoming and in-progress backups. The Jobs subpage is where backup jobs may be created, cloned, edited or deleted. On create, a name, code (for use within the API), retention count, and schedule are selected (Note: Selectable schedules are defined Execution Schedules which are created in the Library > Automation). On the backups subpage, a list of configured backups is provided and new backups may be created or on-demand backups may be executed. On create, the place where the target exists is selected (Instance, Host, or Provider), the source is selected and a name is defined as well as the selected execution schedule. On the History subpage both the backups and restores tabs are available. Names, statuses, start times, durations and size may be viewed.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for performing the backup and restoration of workloads.

    Backups: Integrations

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Backups > Integrations page.

    From this page, backup integrations may be created, edited, or deleted. The page also provides the status of existing integrations. On create the integration product is selected and all associated connection and authentication information must be provided. Additionally, visibility is set to either public or private. Integrations available include Avamar, Commvault, Rubrik, Veeam, and Zerto.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for the integration between Morpheus and backup technologies.

    It is recommended this setting be set to None on the Tenant Role to restrict access for Subtenant users.

  • Catalog Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    Catalog (Formerly Service Catalog: Catalog)

    None, Full

    Determines access to Provisioning > Catalog and Catalog in the Service Catalog Persona view

    The Catalog page displays the complete list of Catalog Items that can be ordered from the Service Catalog

    This permission is recommended for users who will order items from the Service Catalog

    Catalog: Dashboard (Formerly Service Catalog: Dashboard)

    None, Read

    Determines access to |ProCatDas| and Dashboard in Service Catalog Persona view

    The Catalog Dashboard contains featured Catalog Items, recently-ordered Catalog items and Inventory items. The Catalog Dashboard is the default landing page for the Service Catalog Persona view

    This permission is recommended for users who will use the Service Catalog

    Catalog: Inventory (Formerly Service Catalog: Inventory)

    None, Full

    Determines access to |ProCatDas| and Dashboard in Service Catalog Persona view

    The Inventory is the complete list of user-owned items provisioned from the Service Catalog

    This permission is recommended for users who will use the Service Catalog and need to be able to view details on the items they’ve provisioned from the Catalog

  • Infrastructure Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    Infrastructure: Boot

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Integrations > Boot page, including the Mapping, Boot Menus, Answer Files, Images, and Discovered MAC Addresses tabs.

    Morpheus includes a PXE Server to provide for rapid bare metal provisioning. The Boot page is where users may add, edit, or delete answer files, as well as, manage their own images or use existing ones. Boot menus and mappings are also managed here and discovered MAC addresses are displayed.

    This permission is recommend for those responsible for bare metal provisioning.

    Infrastructure: Certificates

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the SSL Certificates tab on the Infrastructure > Keys & Certs page.

    The SSL Certificates page is where certificates may be uploaded and managed. These certificates may then be used within Morpheus when orchestrating load balancers.

    This permission is recommended for personnel who will be orchestrating and provisioning load balancers.

    Infrastructure: Clouds

    None, Read, Group, Full

    Determines access to the Infrastructure > Clouds page. The “Group” permission limits the Cloud list page (Infrastructure > Clouds) to show only Clouds in their assigned Groups.

    The Cloud page is where new Clouds are integrated with Morpheus and existing Cloud integrations are managed. This includes creating a code for use within the API, the location, visibility, tenant, whether or not it should be enabled, and if VMs should be automatically powered on. Additionally, Clouds may be integrated from the Clouds tab of a Group detail page.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for configuring RBAC as well as those responsible for Morpheus Cloud Integrations.

    Infrastructure: Clusters

    None, Read, Group, Full

    Determines access to the Infrastructure > Clusters page.

    The Clusters page allows you to create and manage Kubernetes, Docker, and KVM Clusters, as well as Cloud-specific Kubernetes services such as EKS.

    This permission is recommend for those creating and managing containers or container services.

    Infrastructure: Compute

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Infrastructure > Hosts page, including the Hosts, Virtual Machines, and Bare Metal tabs.

    The Hosts page provides for viewing and managing hosts, virtual machines, and bare metal hosts. On the bare metal hosts page, hosts may come from PXE boot or may be manually added. On the Hosts page hypervisors and Docker hosts are displayed. The Virtual Machines page lists all VMs. On all three pages actions may be performed against machines. Additionally, views may be refined by altering the columns displayed and CSV/JSON exporting of lists is available.

    This permission is recommend for those whom need to take action on machines and those responsible for bare metal provisioning.

    Infrastructure: Credentials

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Credentials tab in Infrastructure > Trust

    The credentials tab allows you to create and manage credential sets stored internally and in external Cypher server integrations

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for maintaining credentials

    Infrastructure: Groups

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Infrastructure > Groups page.

    The Groups page is where Morpheus Groups are created and given a code for use within the API. Additionally, the DNS service, CMDB, service registry, and config management may be selected. Existing Clouds/Hosts or new Clouds/Hosts are added to the Group and virtual or bare metal machines may be viewed.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for configuring Role Based Access Control (RBAC).

    Infrastructure: Keypairs

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Key Pairs tab on the Infrastructure > Keys & Certs page.

    The Keypairs page allows for ease in accessing instances via SSH. On create a name, public key, private key, and passphrase are entered.

    This permission is recommended for those whom utilize Morpheus deployment and management of Linux Instances.

    Infrastructure: Kubernetes Control

    None, Full

    Determines access to the Control tab on Kubernetes Cluster detail pages (Infrastructure > Clusters > Selected Kubernetes Cluster > Control Tab)

    Run kubectl commands, apply templates, and run workloads on the Kubernetes Cluster

    This permission is recommended for Kubernetes Cluster administrators

    Infrastructure: Load Balancers

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Infrastructure > Load Balancers page, including both the Load Balancers and Virtual Servers tabs.

    The Load Balancers page is where new load balancer integrations may be configured. Additionally, existing integrations may be managed. The Virtual Servers page is where virtual servers are managed to include policies, pools, profiles, monitors, nodes, and rule scripts may be managed.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for integrating Morpheus with load balancers as well as those responsible for managing virtual servers.

    Infrastructure: Move Servers

    None, Full

    Determines access to the “Change Cloud” action on server detail pages (Infrastructure > Compute > Virtual Machines tab > Selected VM > Actions > Change Cloud)

    Change Cloud allows server records to be migrated from one Cloud to another. Note that this is not a migration tool but simply allows for upkeep of records in Morpheus.

    This permission is recommended for appliance administrators. See other sections of Morpheus documentation for more information on the use of this feature.

    Infrastructure: Networks

    None, Read, Group, Full

    Determines access to the Infrastructure > Networks page, including the Networks, network groups, and integrations tabs. The “Group” permission setting allows access to objects shared to Groups associated with the user.

    The Networks page is where networks are configured for DHCP or static IP assignment and existing networks are displayed. The Network Groups page is where networks are grouped to allow round robin provisioning among the group. The Integrations page is where IPAM, DNS, security, service registry, and virtual network tools are integrated. These include Cisco ACI, VMware NSX T and V, Infoblox, Bluecat, phpIPAM, SolarWinds, Stealth, Microsoft DNS, PowerDNS, and Route 53.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for integration with network technologies and the configuration and management of networks to be used during provisioning.

    Infrastructure: Policies

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Policies tabs on the Group and Cloud detail pages (Infrastructure > Groups > selected Group OR Infrastructure > Cloud > selected Cloud).

    Policies can be created from this tab which are scoped to the Cloud or Group being viewed.

    This permission is recommended for users who will need to set quotas which pertain specifically to Groups or Clouds the user has access to.

    Infrastructure: Security Groups

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Security Groups tab on the Infrastructure > Networks page.

    The Security Groups page is where Security Groups (aka virtual firewalls) are defined.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for firewall configuration and management.

    Infrastructure: State

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the power state toggle on the Infrastructure > Hosts page.

    This toggle moves Hosts between a started and stopped state.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for managing Hosts.

    Infrastructure: Storage

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Infrastructure > Storage page, including the Buckets, File Shares, Volumes, Data Stores, and Servers tabs.

    The Servers page is where storage integrations are configured. Integrations available include 3Par, AWS S3, Dell EMC ECS and Isilon, Huawei or Open Telekom OBS and Huawei, Open Telekom, OpenStack SFS. The Volumes page is where storage volumes may be created or viewed. The File Shares page is where File Shares of types CIFS, Dell EMC ECS or Isilon, local storage, and NFSv3 may be configured. The Buckets page is where storage buckets of type AWS S3, Alibaba, Azure, Open Telekom OBS, OpenStack Swift, Racspace CDN may be created. Storage buckets are used for Backup, Archives, and Virtual Images. The Data Store page is where permissions to data stores may be managed and new data stores are added.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for storage integrations and configurations.

    This permission is recommended to be set to None on the Tenant Role to restrict access to Subtentant users.

    Infrastructure: Storage Browser

    None, Read, Full

    Determines file browsing access to buckets and file shares on the Buckets and File Shares tabs of the Infrastructure > Storage page.

    The Storage Browser permission allows users who also have appropriate Infrastructure: Storage permission to browse, add files and folders, download, and delete from the buckets and file shares.

    This permission is recommended for those who need to browse storage.

    Infrastructure: Trust Integrations

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Integrations tab of the Infrastructure > Keys & Certs page.

    The Integrations tab is where new trust integrations can be configured.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for the integration between Morpheus and trust providers.

    This permission is recommended to be set to None on the Tenant Role to restrict access to Subtentant users.

  • Library Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    Library: App Blueprints (Formerly Provisioning: Blueprints)

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Library > Blueprints > App Blueprints page.

    The Blueprints page allows for the creation of pre-configured, multi-tier application definitions which can be deployed via the Apps page. With this permission the blueprint type of Morpheus is available.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for defining Morpheus-type Blueprints.

    Library: Blueprints - ARM (Formerly Provisioning: Blueprints - ARM)

    None, Provision, Full

    Determines access to ARM-type Blueprints on the Library > Blueprints > App Blueprints page. The “Provision” permission allows for provisioning Apps from ARM Blueprints without the ability to create or edit them.

    The Blueprints page allows for the creation of pre-configured, multi-tier application definitions which can be deployed via the Apps page. With this permission the blueprint type of ARM is available.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for defining ARM blueprints.

    Library: Blueprints - CloudFormation (Formerly Provisioning: Blueprints - CloudFormation)

    None, Provision, Full

    Determines access to CloudFormation-type Blueprints on the Library > Blueprints > App Blueprints page. The “Provision” permission allows for provisioning Apps from CloudFormation Blueprints without the ability to create or edit them.

    The Blueprints page allows for the creation of pre-configured, multi-tier application definitions which can be deployed via the Apps page. With this permission the blueprint type of CloudFormation is available.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for defining CloudFormation blueprints.

    Library: Blueprints - Helm (Formerly Provisioning: Blueprints - Helm)

    None, Provision, Full

    Determines access to Helm-type Blueprints on the Library > Blueprints > App Blueprints page. The “Provision” permission allows for provisioning Apps from Helm Blueprints without the ability to create or edit them.

    The Blueprints page allows for the creation of pre-configured, multi-tier application definitions which can be deployed via the Apps page. With this permission the blueprint type of Helm is available.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for defining Helm blueprints.

    Library: Blueprints - Kubernetes (Formerly Provisioning: Blueprints - Kubernetes)

    None, Provision, Full

    Determines access to Kubernetes-type Blueprints on the Library > Blueprints > App Blueprints page. The “Provision” permission allows for provisioning Apps from Kubernetes Blueprints without the ability to create or edit them.

    The Blueprints page allows for the creation of pre-configured, multi-tier application definitions which can be deployed via the Apps page. With this permission the blueprint type of Kubernetes is available.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for defining Kubernetes blueprints.

    Library: Blueprint - Terraform (Formerly Provisioning: Blueprints - Terraform)

    None, Provision, Full

    Determines access to Terraform-type Blueprints on the Library > Blueprints > App Blueprints page. The “Provision” permission allows for provisioning Apps from Terraform Blueprints without the ability to create or edit them.

    The Blueprints page allows for the creation of pre-configured, multi-tier application definitions which can be deployed via the Apps page. With this permission the blueprint type of Terraform is available.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for defining Terraform blueprints.

    Library: Catalog Items (Formerly Tools: Self Service)

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Library > Blueprints > Catalog Items

    Library > Blueprints > Catalog Items allows administrators to configure Catalog Items for the Library Catalog and Self Service Persona users

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for creating and managing Library Catalog Items.

    Library: Instance Types (Formerly Provisioning: Library)

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Library > Blueprints > Instance Types

    Library > Blueprints > Instance Types is where Instance Types are created and maintained.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for managing the Instance Types.

    Library: Integrations (Formerly Provisioning: Automation Integrations)

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Library > Integrations.

    Library > Integrations is where Library Automation created and maintained.. These include Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Salt, Ansible Tower and vRealize Orchestrator.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for the integration between Morpheus and integrated automation technologies.

    Library: Options

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Library > Options - Inputs (Option Types) and Option Lists.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for creating and managing Library Inputs (Option Types) and Option Lists.

    Library: Scheduling - Execute (Formerly Provisioning: Scheduling - Execute)

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Library > Automation > Execute Scheduling.

    The Execute Scheduling is where time schedules for Jobs, including Task, Workflow, and Backup Jobs are created and managed.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible to create and manage schedules to be selected when scheduling jobs.

    Library: Scheduling - Power (Formerly Provisioning: Scheduling - Power)

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Library > Automation > Power Scheduling.

    Power Scheduling is where startup and shutdown times are created, these schedules can be applied via policy or manaully.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible to create and manage power schedules.

    Library: Tasks (Formerly Provisioning: Tasks)

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Library > Automation > Tasks and Library > Automation > Workflows.

    Library > Automation > Tasks is where Tasks are created and managed. Library > Automation > Workflows is where Workflows are created and managed. Workflows are used to execute one or many tasks during specified phases.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for creating provisioning and operational scripts.

    Library: Tasks - Script Engines (Formerly Provisioning: Tasks - Script Engines)

    None, Full

    Determines access to advanced Task types include Groovy Script, Javascript, jRuby Script, and Python Script.

    This permission adds the ability to create and manage Groovy, Javascript, jRuby and Python Task Types.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for Tasks containing advanced script capabilities.

    Library: Templates

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Library > Templates

    Library > Templates is where Spec Templates, File Templates, Script Templates and Security Packages are created and managed.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for creating and managing Spec Templates, File Templates, Script Templates and Security Packages.

    Library: Thresholds (Formerly Provisioning: Thresholds)

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Library > Automation > Scale Thresholds.

    Scale Thresholds is where preconfigured settings for auto-scaling Instances are configured. When adding auto-scaling to an Instance, existing Scale Thresholds can be selected to define auto-scaling rules.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for defining auto-scaling for Instances.

    This permission is recommended to be set to None or Read on the Tenant Role to restrict access for Subtenant users.

    Library: Virtual Images (Formerly Provisioning: Virtual Images)

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Library > Virtual Images page.

    Library > Virtual Images is where user and system Virtual Images are managed.

    This permission is recommended for those who are responsible for image management.

  • Lifecycle Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    Environment Variables

    None, User, Read, Full

    Allows access to the Environments tab of the Instance detail page

    Allows Instance environment variables to be edited. If set to “User” level only environment variables of Instances owned by the currently logged in user may be edited.

    This permission is recommended for those needing management control over Instances

    Power Control

    None, User, Full

    Allows access to power state controls for Instances and servers, including stopping, starting, restarting and suspending.

    Allows the user to change the current power state of Instances and servers

    This permission is recommended for those needing management control over Instances


    None, User, Full

    Allows general access to Instance and server reconfigure (resize) feature. See additional reconfigure permissions below for more granular control over specific reconfigure functionality.

    Allows general access to reconfigure features for Instances and servers. “User” level permission allows only Instances and servers owned by the currently logged in user to be reconfigured.

    This permission is recommended for those needing management control over Instances

    Reconfigure: Change Plan

    None, User, Full

    Allows the user to change the Instance service plan

    When reconfiguring, the user may change the service plan associated with the Instance. “User” level permission allows only Instances owned by the currently logged in user to have their plans changed.

    This permission is recommended for those needing management control over Instances

    Reconfigure: Disk Add

    None, User, Full

    Allows the user to add disks to an Instance or server during reconfigure.

    When reconfiguring, the user may add disks to the selected Instance or server. “User” level permission allows only Instances owned by the currently logged in user to have their disks changed.

    This permission is recommended for those needing management control over Instances

    Reconfigure: Disk Change Type

    None, User, Full

    Allows the user to change the datastore or volume type during reconfigure.

    When reconfiguring, the user may update datastore or volume types. “User” level permission allows only Instances owned by the currently logged in user to have their disk types changed.

    This permission is recommended for those needing management control over Instances

    Reconfigure: Disk Modify

    None, User, Full

    Allows the user to modify an attached disk during reconfigure.

    When reconfiguring, the user may modify disks attached to the Instance. “User” level permission allows only Instances owned by the currently logged in user to have their disks changed.

    This permission is recommended for those needing management control over Instances

    Reconfigure: Disk Remove

    None, User, Full

    Allows the user to remove disks or volumes during reconfigure.

    When reconfiguring, the user may remove disks attached to the Instance or server. “User” level permission allows only Instances owned by the currently logged in user to have their disks removed.

    This permission is recommended for those needing management control over Instances

    Reconfigure: Network Add

    None, User, Full

    Allows the user to add a network adapter during reconfigure.

    When reconfiguring, the user may add a network interface to the Instance or server. “User” level permission allows only Instances owned by the currently logged in user to have network interfaces added.

    This permission is recommended for those needing management control over Instances

    Reconfigure: Network Modify

    None, User, Full

    Allows the user to edit network adapters during reconfigure.

    When reconfiguring, the user may edit network interfaces on the Instance or server. “User” level permission allows only Instances owned by the currently logged in user to have network interfaces modified.

    This permission is recommended for those needing management control over Instances

    Reconfigure: Network Remove

    None, User, Full

    Allows the user to remove network adapters during reconfigure.

    When reconfiguring, the user may remove network interfaces on the Instance or server. “User” level permission allows only Instances owned by the currently logged in user to have network interfaces removed.

    This permission is recommended for those needing management control over Instances

  • Monitoring Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations


    None, Read, User, Full

    Determines level of access to the Monitoring section of Morpheus UI, including the Status, Apps, Checks, Groups, Incidents, Contacts, and Alert Rules subpages. The “User” permission will allow access only to objects the user owns.

    The Checks page is where automatically-created checks are customized or new checks are created. The Groups and Apps pages are where checks may be grouped. The Incidents page is where incidents are created upon Check failure. The Contacts page is where contacts may be added for notifications. The Alert Rules page is where notification are configured.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for monitoring applications, incidents, or configuring notifications.

    Monitoring: Logs (Formerly Logs)

    None, Read, User, Full

    Determines level of access to the Logs section of Morpheus UI. The “User” permission will allow access only to objects the user owns.

    Monitoring > Logs is where Instance and Server logs may be viewed (also must be enabled in order to view Appliance logs from Administration > Health > Morpheus Logs when health permission is also enabled).

    This permission is recommended for those who should have access to Instance and Server logs.

    Setting permission to Full on the Tenant Role will give Subtenant users full access to all logs appliance-wide, including to workloads living in other Tenants, for any Subtenant users who also have Full permission on their User Role. It’s recommended that you set this permission to User on the Tenant Role so that Subtenant users are not able to see logs for workloads other than their own.

  • Networks Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    Networks: DHCP Relays

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the DHCP Relays in applicable network integrations

    Allows DHCP Relays to be viewed, created and managed

    This permission is recommended for those tasked with network management

    Networks: DHCP Servers

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the DHCP Servers in applicable network integrations

    Allows DHCP Servers to be viewed, created and managed

    This permission is recommended for those tasked with network management

    Networks: Domains

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Domains tab on the Infrastructure > Network page.

    The Domains page is where network domains are managed. Domains are used for setting FQDNs, joining Windows Instances to domains, and creating A-Records with DNS integrations. On create the domain controller and credentials for domain join must be provided.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for Morpheus DNS and domain-join integrations.

    Networks: Firewalls

    None, Read, Manage Rules, Full

    Determines access to the Firewall tab on applicable network integrations detail pages. When the “Manage Rules” permission is given, users have read-only access to firewall groups and the ability to create and manage firewall rules on those groups

    The Firewall tab is where network firewall groups and rules are viewed, created and managed

    This permission is recommended for those tasked with network security management

    Networks: Integration

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Integrations tab on the Network list page (Infrastructure > Network)

    The integrations tab is where network integrations can be viewed, added and managed. Additionally, the detail pages for network integrations are accessed here

    This permission is recommended for those tasked with handling network integrations and their use within Morpheus

    Networks: Floating IPs

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Floating IPs tab on the Network list page (Infrastructure > Network)

    The Floating IPs tab is where Floating IPs from supported Clouds are listed once synced into Morpheus Users may also release unattached Floating IPs from this page and link through to any workloads which have Floating IPs attached

    This permission is recommended for those tasked with network management

    Networks: IP Pools

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the IP Pools tab on the Network list page (Infrastructure > Network)

    The IP Pools tab is where IP pools from various networks are displayed. Detail pages for IP pools can also be accessed here

    This permission is recommended for those tasked with IP address management

    Networks: Proxies

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Proxies tab on the Infrastructure > Networks page.

    The Infrastructure Networks Proxies page is where Proxy configurations are stored, which are available for use by the provisioning engines.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for configuring proxies to be used when provisioning.

    Networks: Router DHCP Binding

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to management of DHCP bindings

    Networks: Router DHCP Pool

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the DHCP tab on the detail page for a Router associated with certain network integrations (Example: Infrastructure > Network > Integrations > Routers tab > selected router > DHCP tab)

    The DHCP tab is where DHCP pools are viewed, created and managed

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for DHCP pool management

    Networks: Router DHCP Relay

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to management of DHCP relays

    Networks: Router Firewalls

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Firewall tabs on Router Detail pages (Infrastructure > Network > Routers tab > Selected Router)

    The Firewall tab is where firewall rules are viewed, created, and managed

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for managing firewall rules

    Networks: Router Interfaces

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Interfaces tabs on Router Detail pages (Infrastructure > Network > Routers tab > Selected Router)

    The Interface tab is where router interfaces can be viewed, created and managed

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for network traffic flow

    Networks: Router NAT

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the NAT tab on Router Detail pages (Infrastructure > Network > Routers tab > Selected Router)

    The NAT tab is where NAT rules are viewed, created, and managed

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for network traffic flow

    Networks: Router Redistribution

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Route Redistribution tabs on Router Detail pages (Infrastructure > Network > Routers tab > Selected Router)

    The Route Redistribution tab is where redistribution rules are viewed, created, and managed

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for redistribution rules

    Networks: Router Routes

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Routing tabs on Router Detail pages (Infrastructure > Network > Routers tab > Selected Router)

    The Routing tab is where routes are viewed, created, and managed

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for network route management

    Networks: Routers

    None, Read, Group, Full

    Determines access to the Routers tab on the Infrastructure > Networks page. The “Group” permission setting allows access to objects shared to Groups associated with the user.

    The Routers page is where virtual routers are created and managed from Cloud and Network integrations.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for network management.

    Networks: Server Groups

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to

    Networks: Static Routes

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the routing tab on a router detail page (/infrastructure/networks/routes)

    The routers tab is where routes are created and managed

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for network management

  • Operations Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    Operations: Activity

    None, Read

    Determines access to the Activity and History tabs on the Operations > Activity page.

    The Activity page displays four types of recent activities: Provisioning, Alerts, Backups, and Permissions.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible to monitor or view activities and their statuses within Morpheus.

    Operations: Alarms

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Alarms tab in the Activity section (Operations > Health)

    The Alarms tab is where alarms are listed and acknowledgement actions can be taken against them

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for monitoring

    Operations: Analytics

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Operations > Analytics page.

    The Analytics page gives administrators the ability to break down costs and usage, then filter the results by relevant delineations including Groups, Clouds, Tenants or even tag values.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for understanding utilization and costs.

    Operations: Approvals

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Operations > Approvals page.

    When a Provision Approval-type Policy is enabled for a Group or Cloud, an approval request will be created on each relevant provision attempt. These approvals can be handled directly in Morpheus or dealt with in ServiceNow with a properly-configured integration.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for approving, denying, or canceling approval requests.

    Operations: Budgets

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Operations > Budgets page.

    The Budgets page is where budgets are created and applied to clouds, tenants, users, or groups.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for managing budgets.

    Operations: Dashboard

    None, Read

    Determines access to the Operations > Dashboard page (default Morpheus landing page).

    The Dashboard page is a single pane of glass showing quick, easy-to-read performance and configuration information about the Morpheus environment.

    “Read” permission is recommended for all users. When set to None, Operations > Reports becomes the default landing page and attempts to go to the Dashboard will redirect users to their User Settings page.

    Operations: Guidance

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Operations > Guidance page.

    The Guidance page shows recommendations for resource and cost-utilization optimization.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible to optimize utilization and costs of Cloud-based resources.

    Operations: Invoices

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Invoices tab in Operations > Costing

    The Invoices tab allows access to highly-granular historical costing data

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for generating invoices and analyzing spend

    Operations: Reports

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Operations > Reports page.

    The Reports page is where reports may be generated and exported into JSON or CSV format.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for account, infrastructure, provisioning, usage, and cost reports.

    Operations: Usage

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Usage tab on the Operations > Activity page.

    The Usage tab shows billing information for Instances and hosts that have pricing configured on their Service Plans.

    This permissions is recommended for those responsible for cost accounting.

    Operations: Wiki

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Operations > Wiki page.

    The Wiki page allows easy UI, API and CLI access to information to be referenced or shared with others. Wiki pages encompass individual Clouds, Groups, Servers, Instances, Clusters, and other pages can be manually created. Wiki pages from resources are accessible from the Operations > Wiki page or within individual resource detail pages on their respective Wiki tabs.

    This permission is recommend for those responsible for documentation and knowledge management.

  • Projects Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations


    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to Projects through Morpheus API

    Projects are used to associate resources together and apply common tags to their invoices

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for cost analysis and invoice reporting

  • Provisioning Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    Provisioning: Administrator

    None, Full

    When editing an Instance (Provisioning > Instances > selected Instance > EDIT button), this permission determines access to changing the owner of an Instance.

    Allows you to change the owning user of an Instance.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible to ensure all instances are owned by appropriate personnel.

    Provisioning: Advanced Node Type Options

    None, Full

    This allows or disallows access to the “Extra Options” field of the Node Types tab on the Library page when the Node Type Technology value is set to “VMware”.

    When VMware technology type is selected for a new or existing Node Type (Library > Blueprints > Node Types), the “Extra Options” field will be available in the VMware VM Options section. These allow defining advanced vmx-file parameters during provisioning.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for managing VMware Node Types (images).

    Provisioning: Apps

    None, Read, User, Full

    Determines access to the Provisioning > Apps page. The “User” permission will allow access to only object the user owns.

    The Apps page allows Instances to be grouped and tiered logically into Apps. From this page, Apps can be deployed from existing Blueprints and Instances can be added to existing Apps. Security groups and environmental variables (Linux Only) may be added and edited. The App log, history, and monitoring tabs may be viewed.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for provisioning.

    Provisioning: Code Deployments

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Deployments tab on the Provisioning > Code page.

    The Deployments page provides the ability to use git, fetch from a url, or upload a file to be utilized during the provisioning of an Instance or pushed to an existing Instance.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for providing and managing software.

    Provisioning: Code Integrations

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Integrations tab on the Provisioning > Code page.

    From this page code integrations may be created, edited, or deleted. Integrations available include Git, Github, and Jenkins.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for the integration between Morpheus and code repositories and services.

    Provisioning: Code Repositories

    None, List Files, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Deployments tab on the Provisioning > Code page.

    The Code Repositories contains the repositories integrated with Morpheus allowing users to browse repositories folders and files and view file contents from any branch, trigger a refresh, and create tasks, scripts and templates directly from the repos.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for providing and managing software.

    Provisioning: Execute Script

    None, Full

    Determines access to the Run Script and Apply Template selections from the Actions menu on an Instance detail page

    These selections bring up a menu allowing the user to select a script and run it against the viewed Instance or select a template to write to the Instance

    This permission is recommended for those running day two automations against existing Instances

    Provisioning: Execute Task

    None, Full

    Determines access to the Run Task selection from the Actions menu on an Instance detail page

    This selection brings up a menu allowing the user to select a Task and run it against the viewed Instance

    This permission is recommended for those running day two automations against existing Instances

    Provisioning: Execute Workflow

    None, Full

    Determines access to the Run Workflow selection from the Actions menu on an Instance detail page

    This selection brings up a menu allowing the user to select a Workflow and run it against the viewed Instance

    This permission is recommended for those running day two automations against existing Instances

    Provisioning: Executions

    None, Read, User

    Determines access Provisioning > Executions. When the permission level is set to “User” only the executions owned by the current user are shown

    Provisioning > Executions is where Task, Workflow, and Security Scan execution output can be viewed

    This permission is recommended for those who are responsible for managing or troubleshooting Task, Workflow, and Security Scan executions.

    Provisioning: Import Image

    None, Full

    Determines access to the Import as Image and Clone to Image selections from the Actions menu on an Instance detail page

    These selections allow users to create an image from an existing Instance or import the Instance as an image to a selected bucket

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for managing the library of provisionable items

    Provisioning: Instances: Add

    None, Full

    Gives access to create Instances. Without this permission the user cannot directly add Instances.

    The “+ ADD” button will not be visible on the Instances List Page if permission is set to “None” and the user will not have access to Instance create API actions as well

    This permission is recommended for any user who needs to be able to provision Instances

    Provisioning: Instances: Clone

    None, User, Full

    Determines the presence of the “Clone” selection under the Actions menu on the Instance detail page and Instance clone API functionality

    The “Clone” selection will not be available under the “Actions” menu on the Instance detail page if permission is set to “None” and the user will not have access to similar API actions. If permission is set to “User”, only Instances owned by the currently logged in user may be cloned.

    This permission is recommended for any user who needs to be able to manage Instances

    Provisioning: Instances: Delete

    None, User, Full

    Determines the presence of the “Delete” button on the Instance detail page, delete bulk action on the Instances list page, and Instance delete API functionality

    The “Delete” button will not be available on the Instance detail page and the delete action will not be available from the Instances list page if permission is set to “None” and the user will not have access to similar API actions. If permission is set to “User”, only Instances owned by the currently logged in user may be deleted.

    This permission is recommended for any user who needs to be able to manage Instances

    Provisioning: Instances: Edit

    None, User, Full

    Gives access to the Edit Instances modal for existing Instances (and corresponding API functionality). This allows the user to edit an Instance display name, tags, or Input (custom option) values

    The “EDIT” button will not be visible on the Instances List Page if permission is set to “None” and the user will not have access to Instance edit API actions. If permission is set to “User”, only Instances owned by the currently logged in user may be edited.

    This permission is recommended for any user who needs to be able to manage Instances

    Provisioning: Instances: Force Delete

    None, Full

    Determines access to the force delete option when deleting Instances

    The force delete option (checkbox) will not be available when deleting Instances if this permission is not given. Force deleting allows Morpheus to delete an Instance object even when it is unable to confirm the delete happened in the target cloud. Occasionally, this may be necessary but improper use can cause orphaned objects.

    This permission is recommended for any user who needs to be able to manage Instances

    Provisioning: Instances: List

    None, User, Full

    Controls which Instances are listed on the Instances list page (Provisioning > Instances). When set to “User”, only Instances owned by the currently logged in user will be displayed.

    This permission is recommended for any user who needs to be able to manage Instances

    Provisioning: Instances: Lock/Unlock

    None, User, Full

    Gives access to the lock/unlock actions on Instance detail pages (and corresponding API functionality). This allows the user to lock or unlock Instances which reduces the chances of accidental removal of important workloads.

    The Lock/Unlock selections will not be visible in the Actions menu on the Instances List Page if permission is set to “None”. If permission is set to “User”, only Instances owned by the currently logged in user may be locked or unlocked.

    This permission is recommended for any user who needs to be able to manage Instances

    Provisioning: Instances: Remove From Control

    None, User, Full

    Gives access to deleting an Instance in Morpheus only. The instance remains in the target cloud. This may only be done for brownfield workloads which were converted to managed Morpheus Instances

    This permission is recommended for any user who needs to be able to manage Instances

    Provisioning: Instances: Scale

    None, User, Full

    Gives access to the scale tab on Instance detail pages which allow configuration of automated scaling thresholds (and corresponding API functionality). This allows the user to control scaling thresholds and add/remove nodes from an Instance.

    The Scale tab on the Instance detail pages will not be visible and the user will not be able to add/remove nodes from Instances if the permission is set to “None”. If permission is set to “User”, only Instances owned by the currently logged in user may be scaled.

    This permission is recommended for any user who needs to be able to manage Instances

    Provisioning: Instances: Settings

    None, User, Read, Full

    Gives access to configuration changes if the Instance supports dynamic settings templates

    Provisioning: Job Executions

    None, Read

    Determines access to the Job Executions tab on the Provisioning > Jobs page.

    The Job Executions page contains execution history of completed jobs, including any process outputs and error messages.

    This permission is recommended for those who are responsible for managing or troubleshooting jobs.

    Provisioning: Jobs

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Jobs tab on the Provisioning > Jobs page.

    The Jobs page is where jobs are scheduled for the execution of automation Tasks and Workflows against Instances or servers.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible to schedule the exectution of Tasks or Workflows.

    Provisioning: Remote Console

    None, User, Full

    Determines access to the console on a Host detail page (Infrastructure > Hosts > selected Host, VM, or Bare Metal resource > Console tab). The “User” permission gives access to the console only for resources the logged in user owns.

    Remote console access for Instances, hosts, virtual machines, and bare metal.

    This permission is recommended for those who need console access for provisioned Cloud resources.

    Provisioning: Remote Console Auto Login

    No, Yes

    This allows or disallows the ability to automatically log into the remote console.

    Morpheus will automatically log into the machine using the credentials defined on the VM or Host. The credentials are defined either from the virtual image used, added via cloud-init or VMware Tools using the global cloud-init settings (Administration > Settings > Provisioning), or the Linux or Windows settings defined in User Settings.

    This permission is recommended when an organization utilizes Morpheus to create user accounts on provisioned or managed machines, as well as, allow remote console access.

    Provisioning: Service Mesh

    None, Read, User, Full

    Determines access to the Provisioning > Service Mesh page, including the Services and DNS tabs. The “User” permission will allow access only to objects the user owns.

    The Service Mesh page displays container services and DNS information. A service mesh ensures fast and reliable communication between containerized application services.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for container management.

    Provisioning: State

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the State tab for a Terraform Instance or App

    The State tab is where Terraform state management is handled for Terraform Instances or Apps

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for any Terraform-based workloads

  • Security Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    Security: Scanning

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Security Packages tab on the Jobs list page (Provisioning > Jobs), Security Scanning type Jobs, and Security Subtab inside the Software tab on a server detail page where the results of security scans are viewed

    Allows access to view, create, and run security scans on existing systems, as well as view the results of previously-run scans

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for security compliance of existing systems

  • Snapshots Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations


    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the “Create Snapshot” function in the Actions menu on an Instance detail page (Provisoning > Instances > selected Instance).

    If utilizing a VMware Cloud, the ability to create snapshots is available on the Instance detail page (Provisoning > Instances > selected Instance).

    This permission is recommended for Instance owners who should be allowed to take snapshots.

    Snapshots: Linked Clone

    None, Full

    For VMware Cloud Instances, this controls access to the ability to create linked clone snapshots on the Instance detail page

  • Tools Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    Tools: Archives

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Tools > Archives page.

    Archives provides a way to store files and make them available for download by scripts and users. Archives are organized by buckets. Each bucket has a unique name that is used to identify it in URLs and Scripts.

    This permission is recommended for those responsible for storage or scripts which will use the Archive.

    Tools: Cypher

    None, Read, User, Full, Full Decrypt

    Determines access to the Tools > Cypher page. The “User” permission will allow access only to objects the user owns. The “Full Decrypt” permission will allow for decryption of secrets.

    Secure key/value store. Cypher keys can be used in scripts.

    Recommended for those who need to store or use security key value pairs.

    Tools: Image Builder

    None, Read, Full

    Determines access to the Tools > Image Builder page, Image Builds, Boot Scripts, and Preseed Scripts tabs.

    The Morpheus Image Builder tool creates vmdk, qcow2, vhd and raw images. The Image Builder creates a blank VM in VMware, attaches an OS ISO, executes a boot script on the VM at startup via VNC, which calls a preseed script that runs the unattended OS installation and configuration. Morpheus then executes an OVA export of the completed vmdk to the target storage provider and converts the image to all other specified formats.

    Recommended for those who are responsible for image creation.

    Tools: Kubernetes

    None, Read, User, Full

    Allows for the management of Kubernetes clusters via the API (may be deprecated in the near future).

    Allows for the management of Kubernetes clusters via the API

    This permission is recommended for those who need to manage Kubernetes clusters via the API.

    It is recommended this permission is set to None on the Tenant Role to restrict access for Subtenant users.

  • Virtual Desktop Permission Options

    Permission Name

    Permission Options

    Feature Access



    Tenant Role Recommendations

    Virtual Desktop: Copy/Paste

    None, Full

    Allows copy and paste access from the virtual desktop terminal

    Enables the user to copy and paste values from a virtual desktop session into the paste buffer of their local computer

    Virtual Desktop: Local Printer

    None, Full

    Enables printing from a virtual desktop session to a locally installed printer

    Tools: VDI Pools

    None, Read, Full

    Allows for the management of virtual desktop (VDI) pools.

    Enables the user to access the VDI Pools section (Tools > VDI Pools) and view existing pools (with “read” permission) or create and edit pools (with “full” permission). Related API functions are also granted with this feature permission.

    This permission is recommended for those needing to manage VDI pools

Creating Roles

User Roles

User Roles can be single or multitenant. A Multitenant User Role is automatically copied into all existing subtenants as well as placed into a subtenant when created. Useful for providing a set of predefined roles a Customer can use. The Multitenant Locked option prevent subtenant from modifying FEATURE ACCESS settings in the Role. Note Group, Instance Type and Blueprint Access settings will still be editable as Groups are unique per Tenant, and Instance and Blueprints can be a mix of unique and shared items.


Multitenant Roles still need to be configured/managed be each subtenant, as Groups are unique per Tenant, and Instance and Blueprints can be a mix of unique and shared items.


User Roles cannot exceed Tenant Role permissions. If a Multitenant User Role has higher permissions than the Tenant Role assigned to a subtenant, the Multitenant User Role permissions in that Tenant will automatically be reduced to match the Tenant Role permissions.

Create a Single Tenant User Role

  1. In the Master Account, navigate to Administration > Roles

  2. Select + CREATE ROLE

  3. Enter a name for the Role and optional Description

  4. For TYPE, select “User Role”

  5. Leave the “Multi-tenant Role” checkbox blank.

  6. Optionally select an existing Role to copy in the COPY FROM ROLE dropdown. * This will configure the new Role with the same configuration as the selected role to copy. A new role that is not copied from another role will be generated with all permissions set to NONE.

  7. Select SAVE CHANGES

After saving the Role will be created, and you will be redirected to the Roles Permissions settings.

Create a MultiTenant User Role

A Multitenant User Role is automatically copied into all existing subtenants as well as placed into a subtenant when created. Useful for providing a set of predefined roles a Customer can use. The Multitenant Locked option prevent subtenant from modifying FEATURE ACCESS settings in the Role. Note Group, Instance Type and Blueprint Access settings will still be editable as Groups are unique per Tenant, and Instance and Blueprints can be a mix of unique and shared items.

  1. In the Master Account, navigate to Administration > Roles

  2. Select + CREATE ROLE

  3. Enter a name for the Role and optional Description

  4. For TYPE, select “User Role”

  5. Optionally select an existing Role to copy in the COPY FROM ROLE dropdown. * This will configure the new Role with the same configuration as the selected role to copy. A new role that is not copied from another role will be generated with all permissions set to NONE.

  6. Select the MULTITENANT ROLE checkbox

  7. Optionally select the MULTITENANT LOCKED checkbox * When enabled, the FEATURE ACCESS settings in the Role will not be editable by subtenants. Group, Instance Type and Blueprint Access settings will still be editable as Groups are unique per Tenant, and Instance and Blueprints can be a mix of unique and shared items.

  8. Select SAVE CHANGES

After saving the Role will be created, and you will be redirected to the Roles Permissions settings.


Multitenant Roles still need to be configured/managed be each subtenant, as Groups are unique per Tenant, and Instance and Blueprints can be a mix of unique and shared items.


User Roles cannot exceed Tenant Role permissions. If a Multitenant User Role has higher permissions than the Tenant Role assigned to a subtenant, the Multitenant User Role permissions in that Tenant will automatically be reduced to match the Tenant Role permissions.

Tenant Roles

A Tenant Role sets the highest possible permissions for a Tenant. User Roles within that Tenant cannot exceed those of the Tenants assigned Tenant Role. Tenant Roles can be assigned to single or multiple Tenants, and do not apply to the Master Account.

To create a Tenant Role:

  1. In the Master Account, navigate to Administration > Roles

  2. Select + CREATE ROLE

  3. Enter a name for the Role and optional Description

  4. For TYPE, select “Tenant Role”

  5. Optionally select an existing Role to copy in the COPY FROM ROLE dropdown. * This will configure the new Role with the same configuration as the selected role to copy. A new role that is not copied from another role will be generated with all permissions set to NONE.

  6. Select SAVE CHANGES

After saving, the Role will be created and you will be redirected to the Roles Permissions settings.