

  • Brownfield discovery

  • Instance cloning

  • Security group creation and management

  • Docker and Kubernetes provisioning and management

  • Usage tracking

  • Two-way tag sync

Supported Regions

  • ap-northeast-1 (亚太东北 1 (东京)

  • ap-south-1 (亚太南部 1 (孟买)

  • ap-southeast-1 (亚太东南 1 (新加坡)

  • ap-southeast-2 (亚太东南 2 (悉尼)

  • ap-southeast-3 (亚太东南 3 (吉隆坡)

  • ap-southeast-5 (亚太东南 5 (雅加达)

  • cn-beijing (华北 2)

  • cn-chengdu (西南1(成都))

  • cn-guangzhou (华南3(广州))

  • cn-hangzhou (华东 1)

  • cn-heyuan (华南2(河源))

  • cn-hongkong (香港)

  • cn-huhehaote (华北 5)

  • cn-qingdao (华北 1)

  • cn-shanghai (华东 2)

  • cn-shenzhen (华南 1)

  • cn-wulanchabu (华北6(乌兰察布))

  • cn-zhangjiakou (华北 3)

  • eu-central-1 (欧洲中部 1 (法兰克福)

  • eu-west-1 (英国(伦敦))

  • me-east-1 (中东东部 1 (迪拜)

  • us-east-1 (美国东部 1 (弗吉尼亚)

Integrate an Alibaba Cloud with Morpheus

To add a new Cloud, navigate to Infrastructure > Clouds and click + ADD. Select “Alibaba Cloud” and click NEXT. Once the “ADD CLOUD” modal appears, configure the following:

  • NAME: A friendly name for the Cloud in Morpheus

  • CODE: A Cloud code used to reference this Cloud in Morpheus API

  • LOCATION: An optional field for tracking location data related to this Cloud

  • VISIBILITY: Public Clouds are available to all Tenants, Private Clouds are available to one selected Tenant

  • TENANT: If the Cloud visibility is set to “Private”, this field determines which Tenant the Cloud is exposed to

  • ENABLED: When marked, the Cloud is available as a provisioning target

  • AUTOMATICALLY POWER ON VMS: When marked, Morpheus is the source of truth for the expected power state of Instances. Morpheus tools should be used to control power state and Morpheus will override any unexpected power states (such as if an instance were powered on or off from the Alibaba web console)

  • CREDENTIALS: Select Local Credentials to enter authentication credentials on this modal, Existing Credentials to choose a pre-saved credential set, or New Credentials to enter authentication credentials on this modal and save them (in Infrastructure > Trust) for other uses later

  • ACCESS KEY: (When Local Credentials or New Credentials are selected) A valid Access Key for an Alibaba Cloud account

  • SECRET KEY: (When Local Credentials or New Credentials are selected) A valid Secret Key for an Alibaba Cloud account

  • INVENTORY: When marked, Morpheus will automatically onboard existing instances in the Alibaba Cloud account as unmanaged servers

  • REGION: Select the Alibaba Cloud region to associate with the Cloud (if this list is empty, check your Access and Secret Key credentials)

  • VPC: Select the Alibaba Cloud VPC to associate with the Cloud (if this list is empty, check your Access and Secret Key credentials)

Advanced Options


Specify a default domain for instances provisioned to this Cloud.


Only affects Docker Provisioning. Specifies the priority with which an instance will scale into the cloud. A lower priority number means this cloud integration will take scale precedence over other cloud integrations in the group.


Alternate Appliance url for scenarios when the default Appliance URL (configured in admin > settings) is not reachable or resolvable for Instances provisioned in this cloud. The Appliance URL is used for Agent install and reporting.


Configures the time zone on provisioned VM’s if necessary.


Used for differentiating pricing among multiple datacenters. Leave blank unless prices are properly configured.


Unmanaged or select a Network Integration (NSX, ACI etc)


On or Off. Enable to managed Host and VM firewall/IP Table rules (linux only)


Security Server setting is for Security Service Integrations such as ACI


Select Internal (Morpheus) or an existing Trust Provider Integration


Single Disk, LVM or Clustered


Select a backup provider. Depending on the Cloud type and any currently-configured backup plugins you may select Internal Backups (Morpheus) or another configured backup solution


Sets the default Replication Provider for the Cloud. Select an existing Replication Provider Integration


Enable Guidance recommendations on cloud resources.


Enable for Morpheus to sync Costing data from the Cloud provider, when available. For on-prem Clouds, enabling costing activates a costing service designed to mirror the live costing experience of public clouds, including invoicing with line items and real-time cost data (Operations > Costing > Invoices). If your organization utilizes reserved instances and you want to pull in related pricing data, some Cloud integrations include the option to select Costing and Reservations. If this is not relevant, select Costing to save money on additional calls to the Cloud provider’s costing API.


Records for instances provisioned in this cloud will be added to selected DNS integration.


Services for instances provisioned in this cloud will be added to selected Service Registry integration.


Select a Chef, Salt, Ansible or Puppet integration to be used with this Cloud.


Select CMDB Integration to automatically update selected CMDB.


When checked, any automatically discovered (unmanaged) servers onboarded into Morpheus from this Cloud will also have CMDB records created for them.


Select an existing Change Management Integration to set on the Cloud. ex: Cherwell

  • SSH / WINRM / Guest Execution: Morpheus will attempt to use SSH, WINRM or Guest Execution for Agent install.

  • Cloud Init / Unattend (when available): (DEFAULT) Morpheus will utilize Cloud-Init or Cloudbase-Init for agent install when provisioning images with Cloud-Init/Cloudbase-Init installed. Morpheus will fall back on SSH or WINRM if cloud-init is not installed on the provisioned image. Morpheus will also add Agent installation to Windows unattend.xml data when performing Guest Customizations or utilizing syspreped images.


Set a VDI Gateway for outbound communication from the Morpheus Appliance to the vdi endpoints. VDI Gateways can be added in /tools/vdi/gateways

Provisioning Options


Set a proxy for inbound communication from Instances to the Morpheus Appliance. Proxies can be added in the Infrastructure > Networks > Proxies tab.

Bypass Proxy for Appliance URL

Enable to bypass proxy settings (if added) for Morpheus Agent communication to the Appliance URL.


Include a list of IP addresses or name servers to exclude from proxy traversal


Add cloud-init user data. Morpheus 4.1.0 and earlier assumes bash syntax. Morpheus 4.1.1 and later supports all User Data formats. Refer to for more information.

Following Integration

After the integration has been created, Morpheus will sync existing workloads (if you’ve opted to inventory), security groups, tags, and more. Synced workloads can be viewed from Infrastructure > Compute. If Plans aren’t immediately available within a few minutes after the integration is created, navigate to the Cloud detail page (Infrastructure > Clouds > Your Integrated Alibaba Cloud), click REFRESH and click “Daily”. Shortly thereafter, the Plans should be synced and selectable at provision time. Without manually syncing the Plans, you may be unable to provision to this Cloud until it undertakes its next daily sync overnight as Plan selection is required.

You’re now able to provision new Instances and Apps to the Alibaba Cloud. Morpheus includes a default catalog that includes Alibaba images which can be provisioned out of the box. Additionally, you can begin to create your own custom library of Alibaba workloads by adding Virtual Images and building out Instance Types.