Cloud Foundry


Adding PCF Cloud From Infrastructure > Clouds

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Clouds

  2. Select + ADD

  3. Select CLOUD FOUNDRY from the Clouds list

  4. Select NEXT

  5. Populate the following:

    Cloud Configuration


    Name of the Cloud in Morpheus


    Unique code used for api/cli, automation and policies.


    Description field for adding notes on the cloud, such as location.


    For setting cloud permissions in a multi-tenant environment. Not applicable in single tenant environments.


    If Visibility is set to Private, select the Tenant the Cloud resources will assigned to.


    When disabled, automatic Cloud sync is paused and the Cloud will not be selectable for provisioning.


    When enabled, Morpheus will maintain the expected power state of managed VMs. Morpheus will power on any managed VMs in the Cloud that have been shut down for unknown reasons (not powered off by Morpheus) to ensure availability of services.


    When “AUTOMATICALLY POWER ON VMS” is enabled, the power state of managed VMs should be maintained in Morpheus. This setting is not applicable to discovered/unmanaged resources.



    Cloud Foundry API Url


    Typically cf


    Typically blank


    Enter Username. If using an API Key, enter apikey for username, and the API Key as the password.


    Enter Password. If using an API Key, the API Key as the password.


    Select Organization. Dropdown populates upon successful authorization.

    Advanced Options


    Specify a default domain for instances provisioned to this Cloud.


    Only affects Docker Provisioning. Specifies the priority with which an instance will scale into the cloud. A lower priority number means this cloud integration will take scale precedence over other cloud integrations in the group.


    Alternate Appliance url for scenarios when the default Appliance URL (configured in admin > settings) is not reachable or resolvable for Instances provisioned in this cloud. The Appliance URL is used for Agent install and reporting.


    Configures the time zone on provisioned VM’s if necessary.


    Used for differentiating pricing among multiple datacenters. Leave blank unless prices are properly configured.


    Unmanaged or select a Network Integration (NSX, ACI etc)


    On or Off. Enable to managed Host and VM firewall/IP Table rules (linux only)


    Security Server setting is for Security Service Integrations such as ACI


    Select Internal (Morpheus) or an existing Trust Provider Integration


    Single Disk, LVM or Clustered


    Select a backup provider. Depending on the Cloud type and any currently-configured backup plugins you may select Internal Backups (Morpheus) or another configured backup solution


    Sets the default Replication Provider for the Cloud. Select an existing Replication Provider Integration


    Enable Guidance recommendations on cloud resources.


    Enable for Morpheus to sync Costing data from the Cloud provider, when available. For on-prem Clouds, enabling costing activates a costing service designed to mirror the live costing experience of public clouds, including invoicing with line items and real-time cost data (Operations > Costing > Invoices). If your organization utilizes reserved instances and you want to pull in related pricing data, some Cloud integrations include the option to select Costing and Reservations. If this is not relevant, select Costing to save money on additional calls to the Cloud provider’s costing API.


    Records for instances provisioned in this cloud will be added to selected DNS integration.


    Services for instances provisioned in this cloud will be added to selected Service Registry integration.


    Select a Chef, Ansible or Puppet integration to be used with this Cloud.


    Select CMDB Integration to automatically update selected CMDB.


    When checked, any automatically discovered (unmanaged) servers onboarded into Morpheus from this Cloud will also have CMDB records created for them.


    Select an existing Change Management Integration to set on the Cloud. ex: Cherwell

    • SSH / WINRM: Morpheus will use SSH or WINRM for Agent install.

    • Cloud Init / Unattend (when available): (DEFAULT) Morpheus will utilize Cloud-Init or Cloudbase-Init for agent install when provisioning images with Cloud-Init/Cloudbase-Init installed. Morpheus will fall back on SSH or WINRM if cloud-init is not installed on the provisioned image. Morpheus will also add Agent installation to Windows unattend.xml data when performing Guest Customizations or utilizing syspreped images.


    Set a proxy for outbound communication from the Morpheus Appliance to the Cloud endpoints. Proxies can be added in the Infrastructure > Networks > Proxies tab.


    Enable to have Agent Installation on by default for all provisioning into this Cloud. Disable for Agent Installation to be off by default for all provisioning into this Cloud.


    When integrating a Cloud, it will appear by default throughout the UI with its standard logo (VMware logo for VMware Clouds, etc.). If desired, you may upload a custom logo that should appear instead. This might be useful for MSPs which might not want to reveal the Cloud type underlying its services. A dark mode version of the logo may also be uploaded if the standard logo doesn’t look right against the Morpheus dark mode theme. Checking USE DEFAULT CLOUD LOGOS allows the user to return to the standard logo for the Cloud type without deleting the custom uploaded logo.


    Inventory options allow you to set a default active or inactive state for certain discovered resources. The list of available resources to configure will vary based on the Cloud type and its supported resources. By default, all possible resources for the Cloud type will be discovered in an active state. Uncheck the box for some or all resources to discover them in an inactive state. The list of potential resources that may appear include:

    • Service Plans

    • Resource Pools

    • Networks

    • Security Groups

    • Datastores

    • Folders

    Provisioning Command


    Set a proxy for inbound communication from Instances to the Morpheus Appliance. Proxies can be added in the Infrastructure > Networks > Proxies tab.

    Bypass Proxy for Appliance URL

    Enable to bypass proxy settings (if added) for Morpheus Agent communication to the Appliance URL.


    Include a list of IP addresses or name servers to exclude from proxy traversal


    Add cloud-init user data. Morpheus 4.1.0 and earlier assumes bash syntax. Morpheus 4.1.1 and later supports all User Data formats. Refer to for more information.

  6. Select NEXT

  7. Select an existing or create a new Group to add the Cloud to. The Cloud can be added to additional Groups in a Groups Clouds tab.

  8. Select NEXT

  9. Review and then Select COMPLETE

Adding PCF Cloud From Infrastructure > Groups

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Groups

  2. Select a Group

  3. Select the CLOUDS tab

  4. Scroll down to CLOUD FOUNDRY and select + ADD

  5. Populate the following:


    Name of the Cloud in Morpheus


    Description field for adding notes on the cloud, such as location.


    For setting cloud permissions in a multi-tenant environment. Not applicable in single tenant environments.


    Select a Tenant if Visibility is set to Private to assign to Cloud to that Tenant. Multiple Tenants can be added by editing the cloud after creation.


    Cloud Foundry API Url. Example


    Typically cf


    Typically blank


    Enter Username. If using an API Key, enter apikey for username, and the API Key as the password.


    Enter Password. If using an API Key, the API Key as the password.


    Select Organization. Dropdown populates upon successful authorization.

    Advanced Options


    Specify a default domain for instances provisioned to this Cloud.


    Only affects Docker Provisioning. Specifies the priority with which an instance will scale into the cloud. A lower priority number means this cloud integration will take scale precedence over other cloud integrations in the group.


    Alternate Appliance url for scenarios when the default Appliance URL (configured in admin > settings) is not reachable or resolvable for Instances provisioned in this cloud. The Appliance URL is used for Agent install and reporting.


    Configures the time zone on provisioned VM’s if necessary.


    Used for differentiating pricing among multiple datacenters. Leave blank unless prices are properly configured.


    Unmanaged or select a Network Integration (NSX, ACI etc)


    On or Off. Enable to managed Host and VM firewall/IP Table rules (linux only)


    Security Server setting is for Security Service Integrations such as ACI


    Select Internal (Morpheus) or an existing Trust Provider Integration


    Single Disk, LVM or Clustered


    Select a backup provider. Depending on the Cloud type and any currently-configured backup plugins you may select Internal Backups (Morpheus) or another configured backup solution


    Sets the default Replication Provider for the Cloud. Select an existing Replication Provider Integration


    Enable Guidance recommendations on cloud resources.


    Enable for Morpheus to sync Costing data from the Cloud provider, when available. For on-prem Clouds, enabling costing activates a costing service designed to mirror the live costing experience of public clouds, including invoicing with line items and real-time cost data (Operations > Costing > Invoices). If your organization utilizes reserved instances and you want to pull in related pricing data, some Cloud integrations include the option to select Costing and Reservations. If this is not relevant, select Costing to save money on additional calls to the Cloud provider’s costing API.


    Records for instances provisioned in this cloud will be added to selected DNS integration.


    Services for instances provisioned in this cloud will be added to selected Service Registry integration.


    Select a Chef, Ansible or Puppet integration to be used with this Cloud.


    Select CMDB Integration to automatically update selected CMDB.


    When checked, any automatically discovered (unmanaged) servers onboarded into Morpheus from this Cloud will also have CMDB records created for them.


    Select an existing Change Management Integration to set on the Cloud. ex: Cherwell

    • SSH / WINRM: Morpheus will use SSH or WINRM for Agent install.

    • Cloud Init / Unattend (when available): (DEFAULT) Morpheus will utilize Cloud-Init or Cloudbase-Init for agent install when provisioning images with Cloud-Init/Cloudbase-Init installed. Morpheus will fall back on SSH or WINRM if cloud-init is not installed on the provisioned image. Morpheus will also add Agent installation to Windows unattend.xml data when performing Guest Customizations or utilizing syspreped images.


    Set a proxy for outbound communication from the Morpheus Appliance to the Cloud endpoints. Proxies can be added in the Infrastructure > Networks > Proxies tab.


    Enable to have Agent Installation on by default for all provisioning into this Cloud. Disable for Agent Installation to be off by default for all provisioning into this Cloud.


    When integrating a Cloud, it will appear by default throughout the UI with its standard logo (VMware logo for VMware Clouds, etc.). If desired, you may upload a custom logo that should appear instead. This might be useful for MSPs which might not want to reveal the Cloud type underlying its services. A dark mode version of the logo may also be uploaded if the standard logo doesn’t look right against the Morpheus dark mode theme. Checking USE DEFAULT CLOUD LOGOS allows the user to return to the standard logo for the Cloud type without deleting the custom uploaded logo.


    Inventory options allow you to set a default active or inactive state for certain discovered resources. The list of available resources to configure will vary based on the Cloud type and its supported resources. By default, all possible resources for the Cloud type will be discovered in an active state. Uncheck the box for some or all resources to discover them in an inactive state. The list of potential resources that may appear include:

    • Service Plans

    • Resource Pools

    • Networks

    • Security Groups

    • Datastores

    • Folders

    Provisioning Command


    Set a proxy for inbound communication from Instances to the Morpheus Appliance. Proxies can be added in the Infrastructure > Networks > Proxies tab.

    Bypass Proxy for Appliance URL

    Enable to bypass proxy settings (if added) for Morpheus Agent communication to the Appliance URL.


    Include a list of IP addresses or name servers to exclude from proxy traversal


    Add cloud-init user data. Morpheus 4.1.0 and earlier assumes bash syntax. Morpheus 4.1.1 and later supports all User Data formats. Refer to for more information.

  6. Select NEXT

  7. Review and then Select COMPLETE

Adding Spaces

Cloud Foundry Spaces are referred to as Resource Pools in Morpheus. You can add a new Space by:

  1. Navigating to the Cloud and selecting the Resources tab.

  2. Then, click :guilabel:‘+ Add Resource’.

  3. Give the Resource a Name

  4. Expand the Managers, Developers, and Auditors section to add specific Cloud Foundry users to the roles. When adding a user to these sections, use their Cloud Foundry email addresses.


Morpheus automatically seeds MySQL, Redis and RabbitMQ PCF Instance Types, as well as a generic Cloud Foundry Instance Type that will create a shell app used in conjunction with deployments. PCF Marketplace items can also be added to the Provisioning Library in the Cloud detail view Marketplace tab. The Marketplace item will be added to the selected Instance Type and available when selecting the Cloud Foundry Cloud during Instance or App Template creation.


The Cloud Foundry App Instance Type is used in conjunction with deployments. Users do not have to pick deployment when creating a Cloud Foundry App Instance Type, but then Instance will only be a shell of a Cloud Foundry Application.

A deployment in Morpheus can either point to a git hub repository or contain the actual manifest.yml and associated artifacts required for a Cloud Foundry deployment. During the deployment, Morpheus will gather up the files required. Therefore, if the deployment points to a git hub repository, Morpheus will fetch the files from git hub. Once the files are obtained, Morpheus will deploy the artifacts in a similar fashion to the Cloud Foundry cli. This includes parsing the manifest to obtain the parameters to create or update the Cloud Foundry application. Morpheus will ignore certain fields such as memory and disk size because they are dictated by the selected plan. Other fields are utilized such as routes. After parsing the manifest.yml file (including overwriting certain fields), Morpheus is ready to update or create the App in Cloud Foundry.

After the App is configured, the artifacts references in the Morpheus deployment are uploaded to Cloud Foundry for the App. Note that when paths are referenced in the manifest.yml file, the paths continue to be relative to the manifest. So, a jar file under build/libs would need to be found under the build/libs directory.

If Cloud Foundry services are specified in the manifest, they must already exist within Cloud Foundry. Morpheus App templates can be utilized to wire up Cloud Foundry services created by Morpheus. In this case, Morpheus will add all of the included service names defined in the App template to the manifest.yml services section. Therefore, multiple services can be used and wired up by Morpheus.”


To better understand how Morpheus parses the manifest.yml file, lets take a closer look at the Cloud Foundry ‘spring-music’ project. The project can be found here (

The project contains the required manifest.yml file as well as the source code and build.gradle file to define how the project is to be built. After downloading the project to your local machine, build the project to generate the jar.

Now, let’s take a look at the manifest.yml file:

- name: spring-music
  memory: 1G
  random-route: true
  path: build/libs/spring-music.jar

Using the Cloud Foundry docs (, we can gain a better understanding of how this file is utilized by Cloud Foundry.

  • The -name parameter defines the name that will be given to the application in Cloud Foundry. Morpheus will overwrite this value with the name given to the Instance being created in Morpheus.

  • The -memory parameter (as well as the disk_quota parameter if specified) will be overwritten by Morpheus based on the plan specified for the Instance.

  • The -path parameter defines, where relative to the manifest.yml file, your Cloud Foundry application can be found.

  • The -random-route parameter, as well as all other parameters described in the Cloud Foundry documentation will simply be passed through to Cloud Foundry.

Adding Marketplace Items

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Clouds and select your Cloud Foundry Cloud

  2. Select the MARKETPLACE tab


  4. Select the Morpheus Instance Type to add the Marketplace Item to.

  5. Enter version

  6. Search for and select Marketplace Item

  7. Select SAVE CHANGES

A Node Type and layout will be created in the Library section and the layout will be automatically added to the Instance Type selected when adding the Marketplace Item.

Provisioning Instances

Seeded and Marketplace Items

Morpheus automatically seeds MySQL, Redis and RabbitMQ PCF Instance Types, and PCF Marketplace items can also be easily added to the Provisioning Library in the Cloud detail view Marketplace tab. The Marketplace item will be added to the selected Instance Type and available when selecting the Cloud Foundry Cloud during Instance or App Template creation.

  1. Navigate to Provisioning > Instances and select an Instance Type with a Cloud Foundry layout (MySQL, Redis and RabbitMQ plus Marketplace additions)

  2. Select NEXT

  3. Select a Group and PCF Cloud

  4. Add an Instance Name

  5. Optionally select and Environment Tag and/or add a custom Tag

  6. Select NEXT

  7. Select Version and Instance Configuration for a Cloud Foundry layout, ex: Cloud Foundry MySQL

  8. Select a Plan and available options for the Plan, or use the custom Plan

  9. Select a Space to add the Instance to

  10. Optionally configure advanced options

  11. Select NEXT

  12. Optionally configure Automation options

  13. Select NEXT

  14. Select COMPLETE


Compute, Memory, and CPU stats will be pulled, and a Cloud Foundry monitoring health check will be automatically configured for the instance.

Cloud Foundry App Instance Type


Add Deployments in Provisioning > Code > Deployments to be used when provisioning a Cloud Foundry App Instance Type.


Minimal options are outlined below.

  1. Navigate to Provisioning > Instances and select the Cloud Foundry App Instance Type

  2. Select NEXT

  3. Select a Group and PCF Cloud

  4. Add an Instance Name

  5. Optionally select and Environment Tag and/or add a custom Tag

  6. Select NEXT

  7. Select a Plan and available options for the Plan, or use the custom Plan

  8. Select a Space to add the Instance to

  9. Select NEXT

  10. In the Deployments section, select a Deployment and Version to be deployed. These can be git repos or files added in Provisioning > Code > Deployments


    If services are specified in a git repo manifest, Morpheus assumes they are already exist in the PCF cloud with matching names.

  11. Select NEXT

  12. Select COMPLETE

This will quickly create the Cloud Foundry Application, and then the deployment will follow which may take longer depending on the app configuration. The location will be updated with the route once it is configured.


Compute, Memory, and CPU stats will be pulled, and a Cloud Foundry monitoring health check will be automatically configured for the instance.