Data Encryption

By default, Morpheus encrypts sensitive data in the Database using AES encryption mode with GCM. Passwords and other strings in Morpheus Appliance configuration files such as morpheus-secrets.json and morpheus.rb are in plain text as they are only accessible by root.

Passwords and other strings in Morpheus Appliance configuration files can be set to an encrypted string using the Morpheus crypto utility to generate ENC strings and then using ENC(string) as the value in the configuration file.

Additionally a custom Encryption Key Suffix can be set in the morpheus.rb configuration file. This suffix will be combined with a system string to generate a SHA-256 hash, which is used to generate the AES encryption key.

Generate ENC Strings for morpheus-secrets.json

System generated passwords are set in /etc/morpheus/morpheus-secrets.json. These entries can be updated to ENC strings with the following steps:

  1. On the Morpheus appliance, run morpheus-ctl get-crypto-string migrate which will output ENC() strings for the passwords in morpheus-secrets.json

  2. Update the desired password strings in the morpheus-secrets.json config file with the matching ENC() string.

  3. Save morpheus-secrets.json

  4. Run morpheus-ctl reconfigure

Generate ENC Strings for custom morpheus.rb entries

ENC() strings can be generated for sensitive data set in morpheus.rb, such as the password to an external service.

To generate ENC(0) strings for morpheus.rb entries:

  1. On the Morpheus appliance, run morpheus-ctl get-crypto-string string $clear_text '$suffix' which will output strings for the passwords in morpheus-secrets.json

    • Replace $clear_text with the string to be encrypted

    • If a suffix is defined in morpheus.rb (as described in the next section), replace $suffix with your suffix.


    It is advisable to disable bash history logging by running unset HISTFILE before running the morphesu-ctl get-crypto-string command and then set HISTFILE=$HOME/.bash_history to reenable.

  2. Update the desired password strings in the morpheus.rb config file with the matching string output, using ENC($output) format

    • Example: mysql['morpheus_password'] = 'ENC($ZI5DnaO0quhxKe$kDFD+U2ZeJUuYiNC$F1+czPNyo+3lAdq7V0gcrWwHnkINYqr13cUGrDVyog==)'

  3. Save morpheus.rb

  4. Run morpheus-ctl reconfigure

Encrypted Key Suffix

A custom Encryption Key Suffix can be set in the morpheus.rb configuration file. This suffix will be combined with a system string to generate a SHA-256 Hash, which is used in the generation of the system AES encryption key.


Setting a custom Encryption Key Suffix affects all data encrypted by Morpheus, including database and cypher data. Encryption Key Suffix is required in the event data needs to be migrated or recovered. Once the Encryption Key Suffix is set, data cannot be recovered without it. Store any Encryption Key Suffix externally where it can be referenced for future scenarios.


The Encryption Key Suffix cannot be changed or removed after being set. Changing or removing an existing Encryption Key Suffix will prevent data access. If an existing suffix is altered in the morpheus.rb file, it must be restore to its original value.

  1. Add app['encryption_key_suffix'] = '$suffix' to /etc/morpheus/morpheus.rb, replacing $suffix with your suffix.


    Once an Encryption Key Suffix is set and applied via reconfigure, it cannot be altered or removed and data cannot be migrated or recovered without it.

  2. Run morpheus-ctl reconfigure

    • Reconfigure will generate a new encryption key using the suffix and set (ENC) values for the service password in application.yml