Load Balancer Configuration¶
For configurations with 2 or more Applications Nodes, a load balancer is recommended to ensure high availability (HA) from disruptions and upgrades. Below are the guidelines to configuring a load balancer for Morpheus but each configuration may differ based on the organization’s requirements.
WebSockets enabled
Load Balance 443 (optionally redirect 80 to 443)
SSL Termination (Offload), Bridging, and Passthrough are supported
Round-Robin or least connection distribution
HTTPS monitor
or status of 200, for node operational health
Example configurations¶
Below are a few examples of configuring load balancers to meet the needs of a HA configuration. The examples assume SSL bridging will be used, which means an SSL (TLS) certificate is presented by the load balancer to clients and the load balancer will communicate with the backend nodes via a different (possibly same) certificate. This configuration is recommended because the Morpheus application nodes will create self-signed certificates and the load balancer will present a valid certificate to end users. Additionally, all communication will be encrypted. This reduces the overhead of maintaining the certificates on the Morpheus application nodes, as the load balancer can ignore invaild certs on the application nodes. However, the certificates on the Morpheus application nodes are not required to be self-signed, they can be replaced with other trusted certificates following the SSL Certificates documentation.
The list below is not meant to be a complete list for all load balancers. The provided examples are common deployments that can be used for reference. The settings mentioned in the examples list the primary settings that may need to be configured, other settings are based on the organization’s needs requirements and own configuration.
Send String: GET /ping
Receive String: MORPHEUS PING
Health Monitor: Select monitor created in the Monitor section
Load Balancing Method: Least Connections (member) is recommended (alternatively Round Robin)
Node Service Port: 443/HTTPS
Virtual Server
Type: Standard
Service Port: 443/HTTPS
Protocol: TCP
Protocol Profile (Client): tcp
Protocol Profile (Server): tcp
HTTP Profile (Client): http
HTTP Profile (Server): http
SSL Profile (Client): clientssl (or preferred profile with a trusted certificate)
SSL Profile (Server): serverssl
Source Address Translation: Auto Map
AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB)
Target Group
Target Type: Instances
Protocol/Port: HTTPS/443
Health Check Protocol: HTTPS
Health check path: /ping
Load balancing algorithm: Least Outstanding Requests is recommended (alternatively Round Robin)
Load Balancer
Security Group: Allow HTTPS/443 Inbound and Outbound
Listener: HTTPS:443 to the target group created in the Target Group section
Security Policy: ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08
Example /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
configuration file
# Example configuration for a possible web application. See the
# full configuration options online.
# https://www.haproxy.org/download/1.8/doc/configuration.txt
# Global settings
log local2
chroot /var/lib/haproxy
pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
maxconn 4000
user haproxy
group haproxy
# turn on stats unix socket
stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats
# utilize system-wide crypto-policies
ssl-default-bind-ciphers PROFILE=SYSTEM
ssl-default-server-ciphers PROFILE=SYSTEM
mode http
log global
option httplog
option dontlognull
option http-server-close
option forwardfor except
option redispatch
retries 3
timeout http-request 10s
timeout queue 1m
timeout connect 10s
timeout client 1m
timeout server 1m
timeout http-keep-alive 10s
timeout check 10s
maxconn 3000
frontend main
mode http
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/combined_crt_key.pem
default_backend mybackend
backend mybackend
mode http
option httpchk
http-check send meth GET uri /ping
http-check expect string MORPHEUS\ PING
balance leastconn
server app1 check ssl verify none
server app2 check ssl verify none
server app3 check ssl verify none
Azure Application Gateway
In this example, it is assumed End-To-End TLS Encryption is being used, which means the Application Gateway will present a certificate to the clients and the backend nodes will present the same certificate.
If a setting is not mentioned, it is assumed that the default can be maintained.
General Settings
Tier: Standard V2
Capacity type: Autoscale or Manual are both supported
HTTPS2: Disabled
Frontend Configuration
Type: Set Public if Morpheus should be accessilbe externally, otherwise choose Private
Public IP Address: Associate a previously create public IP or create a new one
Frontend IP: Choose the IP created from the Frontend Configuration above
Protocol: HTTPS
Port: 443
Upload the public certificate in PFX format
This certificate should match the one presented by the backend nodes
The certificate should include the entire chain, including the private key
Listener type: Basic
Error page URL: No
Backend Settings
Backend protocol: HTTPS
Backend port: 443
Use well known CA certificate:
If set to Yes, the certificate does not need to be uploaded in the settings. This must be a well known certificate provided by a well known certificate authority, not an internally generated certificate
If set to No, ensure the certificate that is present on the backend nodes is uploaded to the Application Gateway. Note that the certificate should include the entire chain (CA, Intermediates, Certificate)
Cookie-based affinity: Disable
Connection draining: Enable
Override with new host name: No
Use Custom probe: No (one will be created next and will be assoicated during that configuration)
Health Probe
Protocol: HTTPS
Host: Enter the host that is configured on the Morpheus application nodes. This same host that will be used on the Application Gateway Example: morpheus.mydomain.com
Pick host name from backend settings: No
Pick port from backend settings: Yes
Path: /ping
Use probe matching conditions: Yes
HTTP response status code match: 200-399
Backend settings: Choose the backend settings created above
Backend Pool
The Target Type can either be Virtual Machine or IP address or FQDN
If Morpheus is hosted in Azure, Virtual Machine will likely be the choice. The load balancer will need to able to communicate with the target
If Morpheus is hosted on-premise, or outside of Azure, the IP address or FQDN can be used but the load balancer will need to able to communicate with the target
Important Items
Ensure the backend virtual machines allow port 443 from the load balancer, otherwise a 502 error may be seen
If using a wildcard certificate, you must use a custom health probe, as mentioned above, otherwise you may see the following error message:
The Common Name (CN) of the backend server certificate does not match the host header entered in the health probe configuration (v2 SKU) or the FQDN in the backend pool (v1 SKU). Verify if the hostname matches with the CN of the backend server certificate.
As mentioned above, ensure the complete chain for the certificate is presented by Morpheus, otherwise you may see the following error message:
The root certificate of the server certificate used by the backend does not match the trusted root certificate added to the application gateway. Ensure that you add the correct root certificate to whitelist the backend
Configuring the certificate on the Morpheus nodes
Additional reading: