Cluster Layouts¶
Morpheus includes many different types of Cluster Layouts out-of-the-box which support a number of provisioning technologies. Many of these Morpheus-provided Cluster Layouts may also be cloned for use in creating custom layouts. Edit or delete user-created Cluster Layouts using the pencil (✎) or trash can (🗑) icons next to the desired layout on the Cluster Layouts list page. See the next section for an
Morpheus now syncs available (non-preview) AKS k8s versions daily. Existing synced versions that are no longer supported by Azure are automatically disabled. The table below includes available AKS versions at time of v8.0.3 release.
List of Default System Cluster Layouts
Kubernetes 1.20.7 Cluster AKS
This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure
Kubernetes 1.20.5 Cluster AKS
This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure
Kubernetes 1.19.11 Cluster AKS
This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure
Kubernetes 1.19.9 Cluster AKS
This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure
Kubernetes 1.18.19 Cluster AKS
This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure
Kubernetes 1.18.17 Cluster AKS
This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in xen
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in scvmm
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in opentelekom
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in manual
External Kubernetes 1.20
Connect to an external kubernetes cluster.
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in hyperv
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in Huawei
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in Openstack
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04
Copy of MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in vmware
Docker Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a docker cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in fusion
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in vmware
MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04
provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in fusion
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster EKS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in amazon with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in xen with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in xen with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in scvmm with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in scvmm with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in openstack with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in openstack with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in opentelekom with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in nutanix with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Linux, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a kubernetes cluster with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Linux, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in hyperv with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in hyperv with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in huawei with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in huawei with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in google with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in google with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in esxi with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in esxi with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in digitalOcean with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in digitalOcean with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in azure with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in azure with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in amazon with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in amazon with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in alibaba with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in vmware with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in vmware with weave and openebs
Copy of Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in vmware with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in fusion with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.16 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in fusion with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.15 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in fusion with weave and openebs
External Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster
This will allow access to an external kubernetes cluster
External Kubernetes 1.16 Cluster
This will allow access to an external kubernetes cluster
External Kubernetes 1.15 Cluster
This will allow access to an external kubernetes cluster
External Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster
This will allow access to an external kubernetes cluster
KVM on Ubuntu 16.04
This will provision a single kvm host vm in vmware
Morpheus KVM and Container Cluster
This will add a KVM and container host
VMware Docker CentOS 7.5
This will provision a single docker host vm in vmware
Oracle Cloud Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in oraclecloud
Morpheus Kubernetes Manual Cluster
This will create a kubernetes manual (self-managed) cluster
Alibaba Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in alibaba
SCVMM Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in scvmm
KVM on Ubuntu 16.04
This will provision a single kvm host vm in fusion
UpCloud Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in upcloud
Morpheus KVM Ubuntu Cluster
This will add a KVM Ubuntu host
Morpheus KVM CentOS Cluster
This will add a KVM CentOS host
Azure Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in azure
KVM on CentOS 7.5
This will provision a single kvm host vm in vmware
KVM on CentOS 7.5
This will provision a single kvm host vm in fusion
Kubernetes 1.14 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in bluemix with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in bluemix with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in vcd with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in vcd with weave and openebs
VCD Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in vcd
Kubernetes 1.14 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in softlayer with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in softlayer with weave and openebs
SoftLayer Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in softlayer
Open Telekom Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in opentelekom
Huawei Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in huawei
Google Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in google
ESXi Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in esxi
IBM Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in bluemix
Xen Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in xen
Digital Ocean Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in digitalOcean
Hyper-V Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in hyperv
Docker on Linux
This will add a single docker host
Kubernetes Cluster 1.14 on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a kubernetes cluster with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.14 on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master with weave and openebs
Docker on Bare Metal
This will provision a single docker host
Docker on Ubuntu 16.04
This will provision a single docker host
Amazon Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in amazon
OpenStack Docker Host
This will provision a single docker host vm in openstack
Nutanix Docker Ubuntu 16.04
This will provision a single docker host vm in nutanix
VMware Docker Ubuntu 16.04
This will provision a single docker host vm in vmware
Kubernetes 1.14 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in fusion with weave and openebs
Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS
This will provision a single kubernetes master in fusion with weave and openebs
Docker on Ubuntu 16.04
This will provision a single docker host vm in fusion
Creating Custom Cluster Layouts¶
Custer Layouts can be built for an infinite number of use cases and targeting a wide range of configurations or provisioning technologies. However, it still may help to see an example Cluster Layout created. In this section, we’ll create an example Cluster Layout which provisions a Kubernetes Cluster to a VMware vCenter Cloud containing a master node and three worker nodes. We’ll build out two Node Types to embed in the Cluster, one master and one worker. Within the Node Types, we will embed Script Templates needed to configure the nodes as they are provisioned and allow the workers to join the cluster. Script Templates can be configured to execute at various phases of the lifecycle of the node, similar to a Provisioning Workflow, so Morpheus can orchestrate the whole process.
Creating Script Templates¶
We’ll first start by creating the necessary Script Templates. In this example, I’ll use a generic prep script that both the master and worker nodes will utilize and then I’ll create three additional scripts (two for the master node and one for the worker nodes) to accomplish various Kubernetes cluster setup tasks (kubeadm init
, creating Role Bindings, joining workers to the cluster, etc.). I’ll briefly describe each here and step through the process of creating the Script Template objects in Morpheus.
To begin a new Script Template, navigate to Library > Templates > Script Templates and click + ADD. All of the scripts used in this example will be “Bash” type, run as user “root” and with SUDO marked.
The first script to add will be a prep script that both the master and worker nodes will use. This script turns swap off, installs containerd
, runs updates, sets network config, and installs kubelet
, kubeadm
, and kubectl
. Set this script to run in the PreProvision phase. The complete script, named “k8sprep” in my example can be viewed below:
k8sprep Script Template
function wait_for_dpkg() { FRONT_END_LOCK_FILE=/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend DPKG_LOCK_FILE=/var/lib/apt/lists/lock echo "checking for dpkq lock existence..." if [ -e "$DPKG_LOCK_FILE" ]; then while fuser $DPKG_LOCK_FILE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; do echo "Waiting for lock $DPKG_LOCK_FILE..." sleep 1 done fi echo "checking for dpkq lock-frontend existence..." if [ -e "$FRONT_END_LOCK_FILE" ]; then while fuser $FRONT_END_LOCK_FILE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; do echo "Waiting for lock $FRONT_END_LOCK_FILE..." sleep 1 done echo "force removing lock $FRONT_END_LOCK_FILE" sudo rm $FRONT_END_LOCK_FILE sleep 5 fi } # Swap must be turned off see sudo swapoff -a ; sudo sed -i '/ swap / s/^/#/' /etc/fstab # Install containerd packages from Debian sse: wait_for_dpkg sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release -y sudo mkdir -m 0755 -p /etc/apt/keyrings sudo curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg sudo mkdir -m 0755 -p /etc/apt/keyrings sudo curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpgsudo echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \ $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null sudo apt-get update # the Docker documentation advises to install the whole Docker runtime environment but is sufficient sudo apt-get install -y # Prepare the necessary network config see: sudo cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/k8s.conf overlay br_netfilter EOF sudo modprobe overlay sudo modprobe br_netfilter sudo cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 EOF # Apply sysctl params without reboot sudo sysctl --system # Install kubeadm follwing the K8s documentation: sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl sudo curl -fsSL|sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/k8s.gpg sudo echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install -y kubelet=1.26.1-00 kubeadm=1.26.1-00 kubectl=1.26.1-00 sudo apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl # see cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/containerd/config.toml version = 2 [plugins] [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri"] [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd] [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes] [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.runc] runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2" [plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.runtimes.runc.options] SystemdCgroup = true EOF sudo systemctl restart containerd
Next we’ll add a script called “kubeadm-init” in this example which will create and configure some working directories, set the kubeadm
config yaml, and run kubeadm init
. Set this script to run in the PreProvision phase as well. The complete script can be viewed below:
kubeadm-init Script Template
mkdir -p <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube mkdir -p <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/working mkdir -p <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/.kube sudo chown <%=morpheus.morpheusUser%>:<%=morpheus.morpheusUser%> <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube sudo chown <%=morpheus.morpheusUser%>:<%=morpheus.morpheusUser%> <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/working cat <<EOF | sudo tee <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/working/kubeadm-config.yaml # kubeadm-config.yaml kind: ClusterConfiguration apiVersion: kubernetesVersion: v1.26.1 networking: serviceSubnet: "" podSubnet: "" dnsDomain: "cluster.local" apiServer: extraArgs: authorization-mode: "Node,RBAC" clusterName: "example-cluster" --- kind: KubeletConfiguration apiVersion: cgroupDriver: systemd EOF sudo kubeadm init --config <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/working/kubeadm-config.yaml sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/.kube/config && sudo chown <%=morpheus.morpheusUser%>:<%=morpheus.morpheusUser%> <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/.kube/config
Lastly, we’ll add a setup script for the Kubernetes master node called “k8s-master-setup” for this example. This script creates the service account and role bindings. Set this script to run in the PostProvision phase and view the complete script below:
k8s-master-setup Script Template
#create a service account cd <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%> #kubectl -n kube-system create sa morpheus kubectl create sa morpheus cat <<EOF | tee <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/morpheus-sa.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: morpheus-token annotations: morpheus type: EOF kubectl create clusterrolebinding serviceaccounts-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --group=system:serviceaccounts kubectl create -f <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/morpheus-sa.yaml kubectl apply -f
The three scripts we’ve just created will prepare the master node for our cluster. We now need an additional script that will prepare the worker nodes and join them to the cluster. The worker nodes will also use the “k8s-prep” script we added in the very first step which you’ll see in the next step when we create the node types.
Add a fourth script which I’ve called “k8s-join” for this example. This script takes advantage of a special joinCommand
variable as you’ll see when you view the full script. If you want to see exactly what this does later, you can create a new Bash script Task that echoes out that variable and run it against an existing Kubernetes worker node VM (echo "<%=morpheus.kubernetes.joinCommand%>"
). Set this script to run in the PostProvision phase and view the full script below:
k8s-join Script Template
sudo <%=morpheus.kubernetes.joinCommand%>
This completes the needed Script Templates which we will set on two new Node Types in the next step. Continue on to the next section.
Creating Node Types¶
With the Script Templates created we now need to make two new Node Types, one for the master node and one for the worker nodes. In this example case, we don’t need to add a new Virtual Image because we can use one of the preinstalled system images for Ubuntu on VMware vCenter which will work fine. Node Types are created in Library > Blueprints > Node Types. Once there, click + ADD. Within the modal for the new Node Type, configure the following:
NAME: Provide a name for the Node Type, can be anything to denote this is the master node
SHORT NAME: A shortened version of the name without any spaces
VERSION: The version number you wish to apply for this particular Node Type which is useful if you iterate on your Node Types at any point
TECHNOLOGY: For this example case, VMware. Once set, additional options will appear
VM IMAGE: A pre-installed Ubuntu system image will work
SCRIPTS: Using the typeahead field, set the “k8sprep”, “kubeadm-init” and “k8s-master-setup” Script Templates (you may have called them something different)
Finally, click SAVE CHANGES.
Repeat the process to create a second Node Type. The second time around, use the following configurations:
NAME: Provide a name for the Node Type, can be anything to denote this is the worker node
SHORT NAME: A shortened version of the name without any spaces
VERSION: The version number you wish to apply for this particular Node Type which is useful if you iterate on your Node Types at any point
TECHNOLOGY: For this example case, VMware. Once set, additional options will appear
VM IMAGE: A pre-installed Ubuntu system image will work
SCRIPTS: Using the typeahead field, set the “k8sprep” and “k8s-join” Script Templates (you may have called them something different)
Once done, click SAVE CHANGES to save the second Node Type. With the pieces in place, we are now ready to create the Cluster Layout object itself. Continue on to the next section.
Creating a Cluster Layout¶
At this point we can create the Cluster Layout object in Morpheus and attach the Node Types we’ve just created (which themselves have our Script Templates applied). Cluster Layouts are created in Library > Blueprints > Cluster Layouts. Click + ADD and configure the following:
NAME: Provide a name for the Cluster Layout, can be anything to denote this is a Kubernetes cluster
VERSION: The version number you wish to apply to this Cluster Layout which is useful if you later iterate on this Cluster Layout
CLUSTER TYPE: Kubernetes Cluster
INPUTS: Use the typeahead field to add configured Inputs to the Cluster Layout
MASTER NODES: Use the typeahead field to find the Kubernetes master Node Type we just created
WORKER NODES: Use the typeahead field to find the Kubernetes worker Node Type we just created. Set the “Count” value to three (3) since we wish to have three worker nodes in this cluster
CLUSTER PACKAGES: Use the typeahead field to add configued Cluster Packages to the Cluster Layout. Cluster Packages are created in the Templates section
SPEC TEMPLATES: Use the typeahead field to add Spec Templates to the Cluster Layout
Click SAVE CHANGES to save the Cluster Layout.
Testing and Wrap-Up¶
At this point we are finished and we have a viable Kubernetes cluster that we can deploy with just one click. To add a new managed cluster to this Morpheus environment, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters. To provision a cluster from the layout we just created, click + ADD CLUSTER and select “Kubernetes Cluster” from the dropdown menu. Make the appropriate selections to target the new cluster to an existing VMware vCenter Cloud and complete the wizard. Once complete, the new cluster will be visible on your clusters list page and from there you can drill into the detail page to view relevant details about the cluster including monitoring metrics, current workloads, and more.