

Cypher at its core is a secure Key/Value store. But what makes cypher useful is the ability to securely store or generate credentials to connect to your instances. Not only are these credentials encrypted but by using a cypher you don’t have to burn in connection credentials between instances into your apps.

Cypher keys can be revoked, either through lease timeouts or manually. So even if somebody were to gain access to your keys you could revoke access to the keys and generate new ones for your applications.

Keys can have different behaviors depending on the specified mountpoint.



Generates a secure password of specified character length in the key pattern (or 15) with symbols, numbers, upper case, and lower case letters (i.e. password/15/mypass generates a 15 character password).


This is a module to store a tfvars file for terraform app blueprints.


This is the standard secret module that stores a key/value in encrypted form.


Returns a new UUID by key name when requested and stores the generated UUID by key name for a given lease timeout period.


Generates a Base 64 encoded AES Key of specified bit length in the key pattern (i.e. key/128/mykey generates a 128-bit key)


Configures an integration between Morpheus and a Hashicorp Vault server. See below for additional configuration instructions.

  • Key lease times are entered in seconds and default to 32 days (2764800 s).

    • Quick Time Reference:

    • Day: 86400

    • Week: 604800

    • Month (30 days): 2592000

    • Year: 31536000

Creating Cypher Keys

  1. Navigate to Services - Cypher and select “+ ADD KEY”

  2. Configure one of the following types of Keys:


A Cypher password generates a secure password of specified character length in the key pattern (or 15) with symbols, numbers, upper case, and lower case letters (i.e. password/15/mypass generates a 15 character password).


Pattern “password/character_length/key”

Example: password/10/mypassword


Leave the Value filed blank for a password, as it will be generated.


Enter lease time in seconds (ex. 604800 for one week)

Save changes and the password will be generated and available for use.

If your user role has Cypher: Decrypt permissions, a “DECRYPT” button will be available in the Cypher section to view the generated password.

To delete the password key, select Actions > Remove and confirm.


A mountpoint to store tfvars files for Terraform App Blueprints.


Pattern “tfvars/key”

Example: tfvars/my-aws-account


The values for your tfvars file to be encrypted


Enter lease time in seconds (ex. 604800 for one week)

Click SAVE CHANGES and the stored values will be available for use.


You may also see Cloud profiles stored at the tfvars mountpoint. They will have a key pattern like: “tfvars/profile/cloud/$cloudCode/variables”. Terraform Cloud profiles are created on the Cloud detail page (Infrastructure > Clouds > selected Cloud) under the Profiles tab. They allow Terraform apps and specs to be provisioned across multiple Clouds that require differed tfvars. See the Cloud profiles page for more.


A Cypher secret is the standard secret module that stores a key/value in encrypted form.


Pattern “secret/key”

  • EXAMPLE: secret/mysecret


Add the secret value to be encrypted


Enter lease time in seconds (ex. 604800 for one week)

Save changes and the secret will be encrypted and available for use.

If your Morpheus user role has Cypher: Decrypt permissions, a “DECRYPT” button will be available in the Cypher section to view the secret.

To delete the secret, select Actions > Remove and confirm.


A Cypher UUID Returns a new UUID by key name when requested and stores the generated UUID by key name for a given lease timeout period.


Pattern “uuid/key”

  • Example: uuid/myuuid


Leave the Value filed blank for UUID, as it will be generated.


Enter lease time in seconds (ex. 604800 for one week)

Save changes and the UUID will be generate and available for use.

If your user role has Cypher: Decrypt permissions, a “DECRYPT” button will be available in the Cypher section to view the generate UUID.

To delete the UUID, select Actions > Remove and confirm.


A Cypher Key generates a Base 64 encoded AES Key of specified bit length in the key pattern (i.e. key/128/mykey generates a 128-bit key).


Pattern “key/bit_length/key”

  • Example: key/256/mykey


Leave the Value filed blank for key, as it will be generated.


Enter lease time in seconds (ex. 604800 for one week)

Save changes and the AES Key will be generate and available for use.

If your user role has Cypher: Decrypt permissions, a “DECRYPT” button will be available in the Cypher section to view the generate AES Key.

To delete the UUID, select Actions > Remove and confirm.


Use this mountpoint to configure an integration with a Hashicorp Vault server and then later call Vault-stored values into Tasks (Library > Automation > Tasks). Store the Vault server URL and a token at the mountpoints indicated below.


It’s recommended that you use a long-lived token as attempts to call Vault-stored values into Tasks will stop working if the token is no longer good. In such a case you’d have to obtain a new token, delete the Cypher entry with the old token, and create a new one to restore functionality once again. Using a long-lived token will prevent the need to do this often.


Pattern “vault/config/url” and “vault/config/token”


Example: “http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8200” at vault/config/url and “hvs.b519c6aa…” at vault/config/token


Enter lease time in seconds (ex. 604800 for one week)

Click SAVE CHANGES. Once the two Cypher entries discussed above are created, users can call Vault stored values into automation as needed. The example BASH script below onboards the value stored in Vault from the secret/morpheus-credentials/my-vmware-admin-creds mountpoint:

from_vault="<%='vault/secret/data/morpheus-credentials/my-vmware-admin-creds') %>"

echo $from_vault

Using Cypher Keys in Scripts

To use a cypher Key in a script, use the following syntax:


Example: PASSWORD=<'secret/myuserpassword')%>


You can reference the original owner of a workflow so that keys can be used in a subtenant. Example PASSWORD=<'secret/myuserpassword')%> could be changed to PASSWORD=<'secret/myuserpassword',true)%> within a library or a workflow and the true means OWNER true. This will keep that key in the master tenants cypher store.