

The Blueprints section is used to compose provisioning catalogs. The Blueprints section is composed of:

  • Instance Types

  • Layouts

  • Node Types

  • App Blueprints

  • Catalog Items

  • Cluster Layouts

Additionally, items from Options and Templates sections are incorporated to call in custom options for users, IaaS spec files, scripts, and more. See Options and Templates within Morpheus Library for more information on creating or sourcing the items below from version control. In some cases, they may need to be pre-existing for the most efficient creation of Blueprints.

  • Inputs

  • Option Lists

  • File Templates

  • Scripts

  • Spec Templates

Blueprint Development Overview

When provisioning, the User selects an INSTANCE TYPE from the provisioning wizard. At this stage, we can present custom INPUTS to the User which alter deployment in ways the administrator predetermines. Based on the selected Cloud technology and Version, the User is presented with applicable LAYOUTS selections. LAYOUTS can take advantage of Workflows which automate Tasks and can utilize a wide range of DevOps automation technologies. One or more NODE TYPES is associated with the LAYOUT. NODE TYPES are the bridge between LAYOUTS and Images. NODE TYPES can also take advantage of File Templates for custom configuration and Scripts which can be queued to run at any stage of the Instance lifecycle.


Instance Types

Adding an Instance Type creates a new Library item category. Multiple Layouts can be added to an Instance Type and these Layouts can have different Nodes attached. The Instance provisioning wizard will present the Layout options compatible with the selected Cloud. If Cloud selection is turned off, all Layouts will be presented for all Cloud types accessible by the User.


Name of the Instance Type in the provisioning Library


A useful shortcode for provisioning naming schemes and export reference


The description of the Instance Type shown in the Provisioning Library. (255 characters max)


For filtering in Instance sections and provisioning wizard

  • Web

  • SQL

  • NoSQL

  • Apps

  • Network

  • Messaging

  • Cache

  • OS

  • Cloud

  • Utility


An identifiable icon to display in-line with your Instance Type in the provisioning wizard (Suggested dimensions: 150 x 51)

  • Private: Only accessible by assigned Accounts/Tenants

  • Public: Accessible by all Accounts/Tenants


Custom options presented to the user at provision time, Inputs are also created and stored in Morpheus Library

Price Sets

Associate a Price Set with the Instance Type, Price sets are created in Administration > Plans & Pricing > Price Sets. Price Sets which are added to Instance Types become additive with any pricing which may apply on the Service Plan. For example, a “fixed” Price Set of $1000/month has been associated with the Instance Type. If this Instance Type is provisioned to an Amazon AWS Cloud, the additional fixed price would be computed along with any Price which is pre-existing on the AWS Service Plan

  • Instance Type Price Sets Demo

Environment Prefix

Used for exportable environment variables when tying Instance Types together in App contexts. If not specified, a name will be generated

Environment Variables

Name and value pairs for environment variables to be loaded on initialization

Enable Settings

Allows for attachment of modifiable file templates to Node Types in a settings tab of the Instance after deployment

Enable Scaling (Horizontal)

Enables load balancer assignment and auto-scaling features

Support Deployments

Enables deployment features (Requires a data volume be configured on each version. Files will be copied into this location)

Upon saving, this Instance Type will be available in the provisioning catalog, per User Role access. However, we still need to add Layouts to the Instance Type, and prior to creating a Layout, we will add a Node Type.


Layouts are attached to Instance Types. A Layout can only be attached to a single Instance Type and a single Technology. An Instance Type can have one or many Layouts attached to it, allowing for a single Instance Type to work with any Technology type. Node Types are added to Layouts. A Layout can have one or many node types attached to it. Node types can be shared across Layouts of matching Technology types.


Once an Instance Type is defined on a Layout and saved, the Instance Type setting and Technology selections on the Layout cannot be changed.

Layout List View

The default page for Layouts is the Layout list view. Select + ADD to create a new Layout. Layouts can also be created from an Instance Type detail page.

The following fields are displayed for each Layout:

  • INSTANCE TYPE: Select the Instance Type to associate with the Layout. This attribute is automatically set and not shown when creating the Layout from an Instance Type detail page

  • NAME: Links to the Layout detail page


  • DISPLAY ORDER: Determines the Layout display order in the provisioning wizard when adding an Instance of the associated Instance Type



The order of Layouts given when an Instance Type is being provisioned is in high-to-low order of the Layout Display Order property. Bear in mind this is reversed from how Service Plans are ordered, which is in low-to-high order based on the Display Order value.

The Actions menu in each row reveals the following options:

  • Permissions: Scope the Layout to Group(s) to narrow the list of available groups for a chosen Instance Type at provision time

  • Edit: Edit the Layout

  • Delete: Delete the Layout


A Layout that is in use cannot be deleted.

Available Filters:

  • Technology: Display Layouts by selected Cloud technology

  • Instance Type: Display Layouts by the associated Instance Type

Layout Detail View

The Layout Detail view shows details on the Layout including Name, Short Name, Version, and Category. It also lists all associated Node Types.

  • Select a Layout Name from the list page or Instance Type detail page to get to a Layout detail page.

Layout Configuration Options

Instance Type

Select the Instance Type to add to the new Layout. Custom Instance Types must already be created and one Layout cannot be added to multiple instance types. The Instance Type also cannot be changed after creation.


Layouts cannot be added to Morpheus pre-defined Instance Types


The name the Layout presents as in the Configuration Options dropdown of the provisioning wizard


The version number or name for the Layout. Layouts in an Instance Type with the same version will all show under the Configuration Options dropdown when that version is selected while provisioning


Description of the Layout, viewable on the Layout list view


When checked, this Layout will be selectable at provision time for the associated Instance Type (assuming the Layout is otherwise compatible with provisioning conditions). Instance Types with no Creatable Layouts will not be selectable from the provisioning wizard


Technology determines which Cloud this layout will be available for and which Node Types can be added to it

Minimum Memory

Defines the minimum amount of memory required for this Layout. Only Service Plans that meet the defined memory minimum will be available during provisioning when this Layout is selected. Custom memory values must also meet this minimum. Entering a minimum memory value of zero (the default value) indicates no minimum. This minimum memory value will override any Virtual Image minimum memory requirements


Select a Workflow which will be associated as the Provisioning Workflow for Instances provisioned using this Layout. If a Workflow is defined, it is not shown to the user at provision time and will be run in addition to any Workflows set on the Instance Type, in Workflows Policies, defined in App Blueprints, or selected manually at provision time.

Supports Convert to Managed

Enabled to allow users to select this layout when converting a Discovered workload to Managed

Enable Scaling (Horizontal)

Enables Instances with this layout to use scaling features

Environment Variables

Custom environment variables to be added to the Instance when provisioned


Search for and select one or multiple Inputs to add to the Layout. Inputs (except for Hidden Inputs) will appear in Provisioning, App, Blueprint, and Cloning wizards when this layout is selected


Single or multiple nodes can be added to a Layout by searching for and selecting the Node(s)

Price Sets

Associate a Price Set with the Layout, Price Sets are created in Administration > Plans & Pricing > Price Sets. Price Sets which are added to Layouts become additive with any pricing which may apply on the Service Plan. For example, a “fixed” Price Set of $1000/month has been associated with the Layout. If this Layout is provisioned to an Amazon AWS Cloud, the additional fixed price would be computed along with any Price which is pre-existing on the AWS Service Plan

  • Layout Price Sets Demo

Node Types

Node Types are the link between Images and Layouts.

Node Type Configuration Options

The following fields are for all Technology types:


Name of the Node Type in Morpheus

Short Name

The short name is a lowercase name with no spaces used for display in your container list


Version for the Node Type. Examples: 7.5, 2012 R2, latest


Select associated Technology. This will filter the available configuration options, images and which Layouts the Node Type can be added to

Environment Variables

Add pre-set environment variables to the Node Type


Node Types of differing categories within the same Layout can have differing sizing

Technology-Specific Options

The Options fields will change depending on the Technology option selected. For VM provisioning technology options, select an image from the VM Image dropdown. This list is populated from the Morpheus Virtual Images section and will include images uploaded into Morpheus as well as synced images from added clouds.


Amazon and Azure Marketplace Images can be added in the Virtual Images section for use as Node Types in custom library items.

Docker Options

For Docker, type in the name and version of the Docker Image, then select the integrated registry.

Service Ports

To open ports on the node, enter the name and port to expose. The Load Balancer HTTP, HTTPS, or TCP setting is required when attaching to Load Balancers.

Defining an Exposed port will also create a hyperlink(s) on the container location (IP) in the VM or Container section of the associated Instance detail page.


Search for and select one or multiple scripts to be executed when the Node Type is provisioned

File Templates

Search for and select one or multiple File Templates to be written when the Node Type is provisioned

Example port configuration:


VMware Options

Morpheus supports VMware-specific configurations related to Node Types targeted for VMware vCenter Clouds. Setting the TECHNOLOGY field on the Node Type to “VMware” reveals these fields.

vApp Properties

Some VMware images may expect the user to provide values for vApp properties related to server configuration. Morpheus allows the user to set values for vApp properties on the Node Type, which can be static values or even Morpheus variables such as if we wanted to provide the next available IP address from a Morpheus IP pool or source a password from Morpheus Cypher. Consider the following example workflow for examining an OVA image, uploading it to Morpheus as a Virtual Image, and setting vApp properties on the Node Type.

If you have an OVA that doesn’t have the properties laid out in a visible format, you can unzip it and inspect the OVF file to help set the vApp properties in Morpheus. For example, take a look at the screenshot below from an OVF file associated with an F5 image. There are four vApp properties I wish to set related to network and user configuration. The userConfigurable property should be toggled to true for any that may be set to false. The key is identified by the key property and, if desired, default values can be set via the value property. Save any changes to the OVF file.


With changes saved, the image can be uploaded to Morpheus as a Virtual Image from which we can create and configure a Node Type. Below you can see the Virtual Image uploaded and revealed on the Virtual Images list page.


Next, create a new Node Type. After setting the TECHNOLOGY value to “VMware” the fields related to vApp Property configuration will be revealed. Select the uploaded Virtual Image as the “VM IMAGE” and set the key/value pairs in VAPP PROPERTIES. In this case, I’ve dynamically loaded the values using Morpheus variables.


The rest of the process is the same as building out any other Morpheus library item. House the Node Type within a Layout and the Layout within an Instance Type. It should then be provisionable as any other Instance Type.

Extra Options

When VMware Technology Type is selected, EXTRA OPTIONS will be available in the VMware VM Options section. These allow defining Advance vmx-file parameters during provisioning.

Some Example include:

tools.setinfo.sizeLimit : 1048576
vmci0.unrestricted : FALSE : TRUE


Not all parameters can be set using extra config parameters. A sample reference list can be found at


Use caution when setting Extra Options. Malformed config files can break provisioning. Troubleshooting issues related to Extra Options defined are beyond the scope of Morpheus product support.

App Blueprints

App Blueprints support a vast array of providers and configurations with programmatic markup or Infrastructure as Code capabilities. Blueprints configs can be manually added or scoped to a git repo. Morpheus blueprints allows for full automation configuration, locked fields, tiered boots, and linked tiers with exported evars. All blueprints have permission settings for controlling group and tenant access.

App Blueprint Types
  • Morpheus

  • Terraform

  • ARM (Azure)

  • CloudFormation (AWS)

  • Kubernetes

  • Helm

Catalog Items

The Self Service catalog (Library > Blueprints > Catalog Items) is where administrators can create easily-deployable items for consumption by users operating under the “Service Catalog” Persona in Morpheus. Catalog items can be fully-configured Morpheus Instances or Blueprints, complete with user input through Morpheus Inputs, automation Workflows, and more. The catalog items are presented in a simplified interface for ease of deployment without sacrificing configurability for administrators. All available catalog items are built in the Self Service area and users will see relevant items in their catalogs based on Role permissions.


For more on Personas and using the Service Catalog persona, see the Personas sections of our documentation.

Access is granted to the Self Service section through the Library: Catalog Items Role permission. Users with Read rights can view the catalog while users with full rights can create and edit catalog items. Users without any rights to Self Service will not be able to access the page at all.

Additionally, a user’s Role determines access to the standard and/or service catalog persona and which service catalog items are available for a user under the service catalog persona. See the Roles section of Morpheus documentation for more information on administering Roles.

Viewing the Self Service Catalog

The complete Self Service catalog can be viewed by clicking on Catalog from the Provisioning menu. The complete list of items available for the Self Service catalog are shown here but users working in the Service Catalog Persona will see only those allowed based on their user role. In addition to the name and type of each catalog item, we can also see a description and whether not the catalog item is featured or active. Featured items are given special visibility in the Service Catalog Persona and inactive items will not appear as provisioning options.


Building Catalog Instances


API usage for Catalog Items with Forms is not yet supported. If planning to use the API or CLI to order Catalog Items you should not use Forms on Catalog Items until it is supported.

An Instance in Morpheus is a set of one or more containers or virtual machines that correlate to a single, horizontally-scalable entity or service suite. From the Self Service section, we can pre-configure Morpheus Instances and present them to users viewing the Service Catalog Persona for one-click deployment.

From the Catalog Items List Page (Library > Blueprints > Catalog Items), click ADD. From the dropdown menu, select Instance. The modal window will appear to configure and add a new catalog Instance.


Configure the following:

  • NAME: A friendly name for the catalog item in Morpheus

  • CODE: An optional shortcode for coded naming schemes or programmatic reference

  • DESCRIPTION: An optional description identifying the catalog item

  • CATEGORY: Select an existing category or enter a new one. When provisioning from the catelog, items can be filtered by category

  • ENABLED: When checked, this catalog item will be available for provisioning

  • LABELS: A comma-separated list of descriptive strings which can be used to categorize the Catalog Item. The Catalog Items list view page can be filtered by labels to make them easier to find

  • ENABLED: When marked, this Catalog Item will be available from the provisioning Catalog view

  • DISABLE AUTO PRICE: When marked, price estimates are no longer refreshed with every field change at the time this Catalog Item is ordered. For some workloads with heavy Configuration-phase Tasks this may improve performance of the order page

  • FEATURED: When checked, this catalog item will be given special visibility in the Service Catalog Persona view

  • ALLOW QUANTITY: When checked, an additional field is added to the order page allowing users to order multiple copies. If this option is enabled, ensure your configuration supports that flexibility (such as when IP or load balancer details are specified)

  • MAX QUANTITY: When the ALLOW QUANTITY configuration is used, an additional MAX QUANTITY configuration is available which sets an upper limit on the quantity that may be executed

  • VISIBILITY: Set to private to keep the catalog item available only to users in the current Tenant. Master Tenant administrators may set catalog items to public to make them viewable and usable by Subtenant users

  • LOGO: Select or upload a logo to be associated with this catalog item

  • DARK LOGO: If desired, set an alternate logo for use when the dark theme is applied to the Morpheus appliance

  • CONFIG: Enter, view, or edit Instance config here. Click CONFIGURE to build a base configuration through the Morpheus Instance wizard. After configuration through the Instance wizard, you may need to overwrite some static values in the Instance JSON body with calls to custom Input values. This allows your users to easily set the Instance Plan, Group, name, tags, or anything else they may need to control. Dynamic inputs are passed with the following syntax: “<%= customOptions.fieldName %>” where fieldName is the Field Name value set on the Input

  • CONTENT: Optionally include documentation content for this Catalog Item. Markdown-formatted text is accepted and displayed appropriately when the item is ordered from the Service Catalog. A new Catalog Item-type Wiki entry will also be added containing this information

  • FORM TYPE: Choose whether a Form or individual Inputs should be used to set the user options at provisioning time. See Forms documentation for complete details on creating Forms.

  • FORM: If the Form Type of “Form” is selected, choose the pre-existing Form which should be associated with the Catalog Item

  • INPUTS: If the Form Type of “Inputs” is selected, choose the pre-existing Inputs which should be associated with the Catalog Item

Using Forms with Catalog Items


API usage for Catalog Items with Forms is not yet supported. If planning to use the API or CLI to order Catalog Items you should not use Forms on Catalog Items until it is supported.

Using Forms provides a number of advantages over using Inputs. Once the Form is selected, Morpheus helpfully provides a sidebar which contains all variables that can be consumed in the Instance config from the Form:


Many Form Inputs are designed to auto-inject themselves into the Instance config, you can see in the screenshot above that “AUTO INJECT” is checked. For variables that auto-inject, you do not need to override any static configuration with a variable call in order to consume that form value. In most cases, you should leave auto-inject turned on but the option is available to disable it for more advanced situations such as if you wanted to code custom logic into the variable call.

Other types of Form Inputs do not auto-inject and, for these, you must override any static configuration in the Instance config with a variable call. For these situations, Morpheus helpfully provides the results of all variables so you can be sure you’re injecting the proper call. Click on the question mark (?) button immediately to the right of the “FORM VARIABLES” header to see a list of available variables and an example resolved variable. Variable tiles may be dragged from the sidebar into the CONFIG text area and a properly-formatted variable call will be inserted.


As an example, see the configuration for an Ubuntu server in the expandable section below. You’ll notice in the configuration that a VMware Cloud, a specific Group, a specific Plan, and other static configurations are set. Since the Group, Cloud, Plan and other variables are able to be automatically injected, the user may select a different Group, Cloud, Plan, etc. from the form at provision time. The creator of the Catalog Item does not need to override those static configurations with variable calls.

  • Example Catalog Item Config

      "hostName": "${userInitials}-${cloudCode}-${type}-${sequence}",
      "metadata": "<%=customOptions.targetTags%>",
      "backup": {
        "backupRepository": 40,
        "veeamManagedServer": "",
        "jobSchedule": 2,
        "createBackup": true,
        "jobAction": "new",
        "jobRetentionCount": "3",
        "providerBackupType": 12,
        "target": 37006
      "instance": {
        "userGroup": {
          "id": ""
        "tags": "Forms,Test"
      "defaultExpandAdvanced": false,
      "volumes": [
          "maxIOPS": null,
          "displayOrder": 0,
          "unitNumber": "0",
          "minStorage": 5368709120,
          "configurableIOPS": false,
          "uuid": "a6781cc1-31ca-406b-aea0-e33ea1a18b7f",
          "controllerMountPoint": "2200223:0:4:0",
          "internalId": "[ESXi-DC2-QA-LUN01] Morpheus Ubuntu 22.04 20230307/Morpheus Ubuntu 22.04 20230307.vmdk",
          "id": 5255832,
          "datastoreId": "autoCluster",
          "maxStorage": 26843545600,
          "volumeCustomizable": true,
          "readonlyName": false,
          "controllerId": 2200223,
          "externalId": "2000",
          "virtualImageId": 1418543,
          "vId": 1418543,
          "size": 25,
          "name": "root",
          "planResizable": true,
          "rootVolume": true,
          "storageType": 1,
          "typeId": 1,
          "resizeable": true,
          "uniqueId": null
      "type": "ubuntu",
      "ports": [
          "code": "ubuntu.22",
          "visible": true,
          "internalPort": 22,
          "loadBalancePort": null,
          "loadBalanceProtocol": null,
          "sortOrder": 1,
          "name": "SSH",
          "id": 7,
          "shortName": "ssh",
          "externalPort": 22,
          "loadBalance": false
      "version": "22.04",
      "hideLock": true,
      "cloud": {
        "name": "QA VMware",
        "id": 26324
      "layout": {
        "code": "vmware-ubuntu-22.04-single",
        "id": 2608414
      "showScale": false,
      "environment": "2",
      "networkInterfaces": [
          "ipMode": "",
          "primaryInterface": true,
          "showNetworkPoolLabel": true,
          "showNetworkDhcpLabel": false,
          "network": {
            "idName": "VLAN0002 - Internal Server",
            "pool": {
              "name": " /22",
              "id": 18823
            "id": "network-173431",
            "hasPool": false
          "networkInterfaceTypeId": 4,
          "networkInterfaceTypeIdName": "VMXNET 3"
      "copies": 1,
      "loadBalancer": [],
      "name": "${userInitials}-${cloudCode}-${type}-${sequence}",
      "storageControllers": [
          "editable": false,
          "typeName": "IDE",
          "maxDevices": 2,
          "displayOrder": 0,
          "active": true,
          "unitNumber": null,
          "reservedUnitNumber": -1,
          "busNumber": "0",
          "removable": false,
          "name": "IDE 0",
          "typeId": 2,
          "id": 1729031,
          "category": "ide"
          "editable": false,
          "typeName": "IDE",
          "maxDevices": 2,
          "displayOrder": 1,
          "active": true,
          "unitNumber": null,
          "reservedUnitNumber": -1,
          "busNumber": "1",
          "removable": false,
          "name": "IDE 1",
          "typeId": 2,
          "id": 1729032,
          "category": "ide"
          "editable": false,
          "typeName": "SCSI LSI Logic Parallel",
          "maxDevices": 15,
          "displayOrder": 2,
          "active": true,
          "unitNumber": null,
          "reservedUnitNumber": 7,
          "busNumber": "0",
          "removable": false,
          "name": "SCSI 0",
          "typeId": 4,
          "id": 1729030,
          "category": "scsi"
      "config": {
        "poolProviderType": null,
        "isVpcSelectable": true,
        "smbiosAssetTag": null,
        "isEC2": false,
        "resourcePoolId": "pool-139625",
        "hostId": null,
        "createUser": true,
        "nestedVirtualization": null,
        "vmwareFolderId": "group-v80",
        "noAgent": false
      "plan": {
        "code": "vm-8192",
        "id": 149
      "group": {
        "name": "All Clouds",
        "id": "2"

Once done, click SAVE CHANGES

Building Catalog Blueprints


API usage for Catalog Items with Forms is not yet supported. If planning to use the API or CLI to order Catalog Items you should not use Forms on Catalog Items until it is supported.

Morpheus Blueprints allow for full multi-tier application deployment. In the Self Service catalog, user can create catalog items based on pre-existing App Blueprints. If new Blueprints need to be created for the Service Catalog, see other sections of Morpheus docs on building App Blueprints of various supported types. Just like with catalog Instances, we can pre-configure Blueprints and present them to users viewing the Service Catalog Persona view for easy, one-click deployment.

From the Catalog Items List Page (Library > Blueprints > Catalog Items), click ADD. From the dropdown menu, select Blueprint. The modal window will appear to configure and add a new catalog Blueprint.

Configure the following:

  • NAME: A friendly name for the catalog item in Morpheus

  • CODE: An optional shortcode for coded naming schemes or programmatic reference

  • DESCRIPTION: An optional description identifying the catalog item

  • CATEGORY: Select an existing category or enter a new one. When provisioning from the catelog, items can be filtered by category

  • LABELS: A comma-separated list of descriptive strings which can be used to categorize the Catalog Item. The Catalog Items list view page can be filtered by labels to make them easier to find

  • ENABLED: When checked, this catalog item will be available for provisioning

  • DISABLE AUTO PRICE: When marked, price estimates are no longer refreshed with every field change at the time this Catalog Item is ordered. For some workloads with heavy Configuration-phase Tasks this may improve performance of the order page

  • FEATURED: When checked, this catalog item will be given special visibility in the Service Catalog Persona view

  • ALLOW QUANTITY: When checked, an additional field is added to the order page allowing users to order multiple copies. If this option is enabled, ensure your configuration supports that flexibility (such as when IP or load balancer details are specified)

  • MAX QUANTITY: When the ALLOW QUANTITY configuration is used, an additional MAX QUANTITY configuration is available which sets an upper limit on the quantity that may be executed

  • VISIBILITY: Set to private to keep the catalog item available only to users in the current Tenant. Master Tenant administrators may set catalog items to public to make them viewable and usable by Subtenant users

  • LOGO: Select or upload a logo to be associated with this catalog item

  • DARK LOGO: If desired, set an alternate logo for use when the dark theme is applied to the Morpheus appliance

  • CONFIGURE: Click CONFIGURE to use the familiar App provisioning wizard to tie Blueprint and App deployment configuration to the Catalog Item

  • APP SPEC: Inject App spec here for any fields required to provision an App from your Blueprint. You may also inject any overrides to the existing Blueprint spec that are desired. App Spec configuration must be YAML, a simple example that names the App and sets the Group and Cloud is included below:

    #Example App Spec
    name: '<%= customOption.appName %>'
      name: Dev Group
    environment: Dev
          - instance:
              type: nginx
              cloud: Dev AWS
          - instance:
              type: apache
              cloud: Dev AWS
  • CONTENT: Optionally include documentation content for this Catalog Item. Markdown-formatted text is accepted and displayed appropriately when the item is ordered from the Service Catalog. A new Catalog Item-type Wiki entry will also be added containing this information.


    App spec custom option variables should be single quoted in YAML: cloud: '<%= %>'. Additionally, not all variables are available here as many are unknown until provisioning. Users may use any custom Input values (customOption) as well as name or hostname values which are resolved as part of naming policy evaluation.

  • FORM TYPE: Choose whether a Form or individual Inputs should be used to set the user options at provisioning time. See Forms documentation for complete details on creating Forms.

  • FORM: If the Form Type of “Form” is selected, choose the pre-existing Form which should be associated with the Catalog Item

  • INPUTS: If the Form Type of “Inputs” is selected, choose the pre-existing Inputs which should be associated with the Catalog Item


There are a number of advantages to using Forms over Inputs. See the section above on using Forms with Catalog Items for a complete description on how they are used and the advantages to using them.

Once done, click SAVE CHANGES

Building Catalog Workflows


API usage for Catalog Items with Forms is not yet supported. If planning to use the API or CLI to order Catalog Items you should not use Forms on Catalog Items until it is supported.

From the Catalog Items List Page (Library > Blueprints > Catalog Items), click ADD. From the dropdown menu, select Workflow. The modal window will appear to configure and add a new catalog Workflow.

Configure the following:

  • NAME: A friendly name for the catalog item in Morpheus

  • CODE: An optional shortcode for coded naming schemes or programmatic reference

  • DESCRIPTION: An optional description identifying the catalog item

  • CATEGORY: Select an existing category or enter a new one. When provisioning from the catelog, items can be filtered by category

  • LABELS: A comma-separated list of descriptive strings which can be used to categorize the Catalog Item. The Catalog Items list view page can be filtered by labels to make them easier to find

  • ENABLED: When checked, this Workflow item will be available for selection in the Service Catalog

  • DISABLE AUTO PRICE: When marked, price estimates are no longer refreshed with every field change at the time this Catalog Item is ordered. For some workloads with heavy Configuration-phase Tasks this may improve performance of the order page

  • FEATURED: When checked, this catalog item will be given special visibility in the Service Catalog Persona view

  • VISIBILITY: Set to private to keep the catalog item available only to users in the current Tenant. Master Tenant administrators may set catalog items to public to make them viewable and usable by Subtenant users

  • LOGO: Select or upload a logo to be associated with this catalog item

  • DARK LOGO: If desired, set an alternate logo for use when the dark theme is applied to the Morpheus appliance

  • WORKFLOW: Select an existing Workflow to be associated with this Catalog Item, new Workflows are created in Library > Automation

  • CONTEXT: Optionally restrict users to a specific target context, Instance, Server, or None

  • CONFIG: Enter an optional custom config JSON body. See Workflows documentation for a formatting example

  • CONTENT: Optionally include documentation content for this Catalog Item. Markdown-formatted text is accepted and displayed appropriately when the item is ordered from the Service Catalog. A new Catalog Item-type Wiki entry will also be added containing this information.

  • FORM TYPE: Choose whether a Form or individual Inputs should be used to set the user options at provisioning time. See Forms documentation for complete details on creating Forms.

  • FORM: If the Form Type of “Form” is selected, choose the pre-existing Form which should be associated with the Catalog Item

  • INPUTS: If the Form Type of “Inputs” is selected, choose the pre-existing Inputs which should be associated with the Catalog Item


There are a number of advantages to using Forms over Inputs. See the section above on using Forms with Catalog Items for a complete description on how they are used and the advantages to using them.

Once done, click SAVE CHANGES

Editing and Deleting from the Self Service Catalog

Once created, Service Catalog items can be edited or deleted from the Catalog Items list view (Library > Blueprints > Catalog Items). Click the pencil icon in the relevant row to edit the Service Catalog item or the trash can icon to delete it. Alternatively, Service Catalog items can be made inactive to remove them as provisioning options rather than deleting them.

Cluster Layouts

Morpheus includes many different types of Cluster Layouts out-of-the-box which support a number of provisioning technologies. Many of these Morpheus-provided Cluster Layouts may also be cloned for use in creating custom layouts. Edit or delete user-created Cluster Layouts using the pencil (✎) or trash can (🗑) icons next to the desired layout on the Cluster Layouts list page. See the next section for an



Morpheus now syncs available (non-preview) AKS k8s versions daily. Existing synced versions that are no longer supported by Azure are automatically disabled. The table below includes available AKS versions at time of v7.0.7 release.

  • List of Default System Cluster Layouts




    Kubernetes 1.20.7 Cluster AKS


    This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure

    Kubernetes 1.20.5 Cluster AKS


    This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure

    Kubernetes 1.19.11 Cluster AKS


    This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure

    Kubernetes 1.19.9 Cluster AKS


    This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure

    Kubernetes 1.18.19 Cluster AKS


    This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure

    Kubernetes 1.18.17 Cluster AKS


    This provisions a single kubernetes master in Azure

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in xen

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in scvmm

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in opentelekom

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in manual

    External Kubernetes 1.20


    Connect to an external kubernetes cluster.

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in hyperv

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in Huawei

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in Openstack

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04

    Copy of MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in vmware

    Docker Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a docker cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in fusion

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in vmware

    MKS Kubernetes 1.20 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04


    provision a kubernetes 1.20 cluster on ubuntu 18.04 in fusion

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster EKS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in amazon with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in xen with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in xen with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in scvmm with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in scvmm with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in openstack with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in openstack with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in opentelekom with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in nutanix with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Linux, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a kubernetes cluster with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Linux, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in hyperv with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in hyperv with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in huawei with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in huawei with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in google with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in google with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in esxi with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in esxi with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in digitalOcean with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in digitalOcean with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in azure with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in azure with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in amazon with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in amazon with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in alibaba with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in vmware with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in vmware with weave and openebs

    Copy of Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in vmware with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in fusion with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.16 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in fusion with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.15 Cluster on Ubuntu 18.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in fusion with weave and openebs

    External Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster


    This will allow access to an external kubernetes cluster

    External Kubernetes 1.16 Cluster


    This will allow access to an external kubernetes cluster

    External Kubernetes 1.15 Cluster


    This will allow access to an external kubernetes cluster

    External Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster


    This will allow access to an external kubernetes cluster

    KVM on Ubuntu 16.04


    This will provision a single kvm host vm in vmware

    Morpheus KVM and Container Cluster


    This will add a KVM and container host

    VMware Docker CentOS 7.5


    This will provision a single docker host vm in vmware

    Oracle Cloud Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in oraclecloud

    Morpheus Kubernetes Manual Cluster


    This will create a kubernetes manual (self-managed) cluster

    Alibaba Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in alibaba

    SCVMM Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in scvmm

    KVM on Ubuntu 16.04


    This will provision a single kvm host vm in fusion

    UpCloud Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in upcloud

    Morpheus KVM Ubuntu Cluster


    This will add a KVM Ubuntu host

    Morpheus KVM CentOS Cluster


    This will add a KVM CentOS host

    Azure Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in azure

    KVM on CentOS 7.5


    This will provision a single kvm host vm in vmware

    KVM on CentOS 7.5


    This will provision a single kvm host vm in fusion

    Kubernetes 1.14 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in bluemix with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in bluemix with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in vcd with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.17 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in vcd with weave and openebs

    VCD Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in vcd

    Kubernetes 1.14 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in softlayer with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in softlayer with weave and openebs

    SoftLayer Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in softlayer

    Open Telekom Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in opentelekom

    Huawei Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in huawei

    Google Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in google

    ESXi Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in esxi

    IBM Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in bluemix

    Xen Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in xen

    Digital Ocean Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in digitalOcean

    Hyper-V Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in hyperv

    Docker on Linux


    This will add a single docker host

    Kubernetes Cluster 1.14 on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a kubernetes cluster with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.14 on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master with weave and openebs

    Docker on Bare Metal


    This will provision a single docker host

    Docker on Ubuntu 16.04


    This will provision a single docker host

    Amazon Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in amazon

    OpenStack Docker Host


    This will provision a single docker host vm in openstack

    Nutanix Docker Ubuntu 16.04


    This will provision a single docker host vm in nutanix

    VMware Docker Ubuntu 16.04


    This will provision a single docker host vm in vmware

    Kubernetes 1.14 HA Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in fusion with weave and openebs

    Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster on Ubuntu 16.04, Weave, OpenEBS


    This will provision a single kubernetes master in fusion with weave and openebs

    Docker on Ubuntu 16.04


    This will provision a single docker host vm in fusion

Creating Custom Cluster Layouts

Custer Layouts can be built for an infinite number of use cases and targeting a wide range of configurations or provisioning technologies. However, it still may help to see an example Cluster Layout created. In this section, we’ll create an example Cluster Layout which provisions a Kubernetes Cluster to a VMware vCenter Cloud containing a master node and three worker nodes. We’ll build out two Node Types to embed in the Cluster, one master and one worker. Within the Node Types, we will embed Script Templates needed to configure the nodes as they are provisioned and allow the workers to join the cluster. Script Templates can be configured to execute at various phases of the lifecycle of the node, similar to a Provisioning Workflow, so Morpheus can orchestrate the whole process.

Creating Script Templates

We’ll first start by creating the necessary Script Templates. In this example, I’ll use a generic prep script that both the master and worker nodes will utilize and then I’ll create three additional scripts (two for the master node and one for the worker nodes) to accomplish various Kubernetes cluster setup tasks (kubeadm init, creating Role Bindings, joining workers to the cluster, etc.). I’ll briefly describe each here and step through the process of creating the Script Template objects in Morpheus.

To begin a new Script Template, navigate to Library > Templates > Script Templates and click + ADD. All of the scripts used in this example will be “Bash” type, run as user “root” and with SUDO marked.

The first script to add will be a prep script that both the master and worker nodes will use. This script turns swap off, installs containerd, runs updates, sets network config, and installs kubelet, kubeadm, and kubectl. Set this script to run in the PreProvision phase. The complete script, named “k8sprep” in my example can be viewed below:

  • k8sprep Script Template

    function wait_for_dpkg() {
      echo "checking for dpkq lock existence..."
      if [ -e "$DPKG_LOCK_FILE" ]; then
        while fuser $DPKG_LOCK_FILE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; do
          echo "Waiting for lock $DPKG_LOCK_FILE..."
          sleep 1
      echo "checking for dpkq lock-frontend existence..."
      if [ -e "$FRONT_END_LOCK_FILE" ]; then
        while fuser $FRONT_END_LOCK_FILE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; do
          echo "Waiting for lock $FRONT_END_LOCK_FILE..."
          sleep 1
        echo "force removing lock $FRONT_END_LOCK_FILE"
        sudo rm $FRONT_END_LOCK_FILE
        sleep 5
      # Swap must be turned off see
    sudo swapoff -a ; sudo sed -i '/ swap / s/^/#/' /etc/fstab
      # Install containerd packages from Debian sse:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release -y
    sudo mkdir -m 0755 -p /etc/apt/keyrings
    sudo curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
    sudo mkdir -m 0755 -p /etc/apt/keyrings
    sudo curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpgsudo
    echo   "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
    $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
    sudo apt-get update
      # the Docker documentation advises to install the whole Docker runtime environment but is sufficient
    sudo apt-get install -y
      # Prepare the necessary network config see:
    sudo cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/k8s.conf
    sudo modprobe overlay
    sudo modprobe br_netfilter
    sudo cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf
    net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables  = 1
    net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
    net.ipv4.ip_forward                 = 1
      # Apply sysctl params without reboot
    sudo sysctl --system
      # Install kubeadm follwing the K8s documentation:
    sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl
    sudo curl -fsSL|sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/k8s.gpg
    sudo echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -y install -y kubelet=1.26.1-00 kubeadm=1.26.1-00 kubectl=1.26.1-00
    sudo apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl
      # see
    cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/containerd/config.toml
    version = 2
              runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2"
                SystemdCgroup = true
    sudo systemctl restart containerd

Next we’ll add a script called “kubeadm-init” in this example which will create and configure some working directories, set the kubeadm config yaml, and run kubeadm init. Set this script to run in the PreProvision phase as well. The complete script can be viewed below:

  • kubeadm-init Script Template

    mkdir -p <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube
    mkdir -p <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/working
    mkdir -p <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/.kube
    sudo chown <%=morpheus.morpheusUser%>:<%=morpheus.morpheusUser%> <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube
    sudo chown <%=morpheus.morpheusUser%>:<%=morpheus.morpheusUser%> <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/working
    cat <<EOF | sudo tee <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/working/kubeadm-config.yaml
    # kubeadm-config.yaml
    kind: ClusterConfiguration
    kubernetesVersion: v1.26.1
      serviceSubnet: ""
      podSubnet: ""
      dnsDomain: "cluster.local"
        authorization-mode: "Node,RBAC"
    clusterName: "example-cluster"
    kind: KubeletConfiguration
    cgroupDriver: systemd
    sudo kubeadm init --config <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/working/kubeadm-config.yaml
    sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/.kube/config &&
    sudo chown <%=morpheus.morpheusUser%>:<%=morpheus.morpheusUser%> <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/.kube/config

Lastly, we’ll add a setup script for the Kubernetes master node called “k8s-master-setup” for this example. This script creates the service account and role bindings. Set this script to run in the PostProvision phase and view the complete script below:

  • k8s-master-setup Script Template

    #create a service account
    cd <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>
    #kubectl -n kube-system create sa morpheus
    kubectl create sa morpheus
    cat <<EOF | tee <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/morpheus-sa.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: morpheus-token
      annotations: morpheus
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding serviceaccounts-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --group=system:serviceaccounts
    kubectl create -f <%=morpheus.morpheusHome%>/kube/morpheus-sa.yaml
    kubectl apply -f

The three scripts we’ve just created will prepare the master node for our cluster. We now need an additional script that will prepare the worker nodes and join them to the cluster. The worker nodes will also use the “k8s-prep” script we added in the very first step which you’ll see in the next step when we create the node types.

Add a fourth script which I’ve called “k8s-join” for this example. This script takes advantage of a special joinCommand variable as you’ll see when you view the full script. If you want to see exactly what this does later, you can create a new Bash script Task that echoes out that variable and run it against an existing Kubernetes worker node VM (echo "<%=morpheus.kubernetes.joinCommand%>"). Set this script to run in the PostProvision phase and view the full script below:

  • k8s-join Script Template

    sudo <%=morpheus.kubernetes.joinCommand%>

This completes the needed Script Templates which we will set on two new Node Types in the next step. Continue on to the next section.

Creating Node Types

With the Script Templates created we now need to make two new Node Types, one for the master node and one for the worker nodes. In this example case, we don’t need to add a new Virtual Image because we can use one of the preinstalled system images for Ubuntu on VMware vCenter which will work fine. Node Types are created in Library > Blueprints > Node Types. Once there, click + ADD. Within the modal for the new Node Type, configure the following:

  • NAME: Provide a name for the Node Type, can be anything to denote this is the master node

  • SHORT NAME: A shortened version of the name without any spaces

  • VERSION: The version number you wish to apply for this particular Node Type which is useful if you iterate on your Node Types at any point

  • TECHNOLOGY: For this example case, VMware. Once set, additional options will appear

  • VM IMAGE: A pre-installed Ubuntu system image will work

  • SCRIPTS: Using the typeahead field, set the “k8sprep”, “kubeadm-init” and “k8s-master-setup” Script Templates (you may have called them something different)

Finally, click SAVE CHANGES.

Repeat the process to create a second Node Type. The second time around, use the following configurations:

  • NAME: Provide a name for the Node Type, can be anything to denote this is the worker node

  • SHORT NAME: A shortened version of the name without any spaces

  • VERSION: The version number you wish to apply for this particular Node Type which is useful if you iterate on your Node Types at any point

  • TECHNOLOGY: For this example case, VMware. Once set, additional options will appear

  • VM IMAGE: A pre-installed Ubuntu system image will work

  • SCRIPTS: Using the typeahead field, set the “k8sprep” and “k8s-join” Script Templates (you may have called them something different)

Once done, click SAVE CHANGES to save the second Node Type. With the pieces in place, we are now ready to create the Cluster Layout object itself. Continue on to the next section.

Creating a Cluster Layout

At this point we can create the Cluster Layout object in Morpheus and attach the Node Types we’ve just created (which themselves have our Script Templates applied). Cluster Layouts are created in Library > Blueprints > Cluster Layouts. Click + ADD and configure the following:

  • NAME: Provide a name for the Cluster Layout, can be anything to denote this is a Kubernetes cluster

  • VERSION: The version number you wish to apply to this Cluster Layout which is useful if you later iterate on this Cluster Layout

  • CLUSTER TYPE: Kubernetes Cluster



  • INPUTS: Use the typeahead field to add configured Inputs to the Cluster Layout

  • MASTER NODES: Use the typeahead field to find the Kubernetes master Node Type we just created

  • WORKER NODES: Use the typeahead field to find the Kubernetes worker Node Type we just created. Set the “Count” value to three (3) since we wish to have three worker nodes in this cluster

  • CLUSTER PACKAGES: Use the typeahead field to add configued Cluster Packages to the Cluster Layout. Cluster Packages are created in the Templates section

  • SPEC TEMPLATES: Use the typeahead field to add Spec Templates to the Cluster Layout

Click SAVE CHANGES to save the Cluster Layout.

Testing and Wrap-Up

At this point we are finished and we have a viable Kubernetes cluster that we can deploy with just one click. To add a new managed cluster to this Morpheus environment, navigate to Infrastructure > Clusters. To provision a cluster from the layout we just created, click + ADD CLUSTER and select “Kubernetes Cluster” from the dropdown menu. Make the appropriate selections to target the new cluster to an existing VMware vCenter Cloud and complete the wizard. Once complete, the new cluster will be visible on your clusters list page and from there you can drill into the detail page to view relevant details about the cluster including monitoring metrics, current workloads, and more.